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Asbestos cancers are caused by inhaling or ingesting asbestos fibers. The fibers can embed in tissues and organ linings. Over time, this can cause inflammation, mutation and cancer. Asbestos cancers include mesothelioma, lung cancer, ovarian cancer and laryngeal cancer.

01. How Asbestos Causes Cancer

How Does Asbestos Cause Cancer?

Inhaling or swallowingasbestos fiberscan cause cancer. Asbestos is a mineral made of microscopic fibers. Once the fibers enter the body, they cannot be broken down or removed. As a result, the fibers can cause irritation and inflammation. Over time, asbestos can cause genetic mutations and cancer.

许多石棉疾病是latent diseases。In other words, it can take years for asbestos cancer symptoms to emerge. Mesothelioma and asbestos lung cancer patients often aren’t diagnosed until 10 – 50 years after their first exposure.

What Types of Asbestos Cause Cancer?

All six types of asbestos cause cancer.Asbestos types被分类为蛇纹石或闪石石棉。

Chrysotile asbestos belongs to the serpentine family. It is also the most common type of asbestos. All other types of asbestos belong to the amphibole family. This group includes amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, actinolite and anthophyllite asbestos.

Some studies suggest exposure to amphibole fibers is more likely to cause asbestos cancer. However, more research is needed.


What Types of Cancer Are Caused by Asbestos?

根据International Agency for Research on Cancer(IARC),由石棉最终引起的癌症包括:

  • 石棉是唯一已知的导致间皮瘤。万博专业版
  • Asbestos fibers can become lodged in organ linings (mesothelium).
  • Mesothelioma cancer typically occurs within the lungs or the abdomen.
Lung Cancer
  • Asbestos fibers can become lodged in the lung tissues.
  • 石棉肺癌症状可能需要十多年的时间才能出现。
  • Smoking increases the risk of developing asbestos-related lung cancer.
  • Asbestos can reach the ovaries by traveling through the reproductive system, bloodstream or lymphatic system.
  • Studies continue to research the connection between asbestos-contaminated talcum powder and ovarian cancer.
  • Asbestos fibers can become lodged in the tissues of the voice box when traveling to the lungs.
  • Smoking, heavy alcohol use and exposure to other toxins can increase the risk of asbestos-related laryngeal cancer.

The IARC is part of the World Health Organization (WHO) and a leading organization in cancer research. It conducts, coordinates and publishes research regarding worldwide cancer causes and cancer occurrence.

Many studies may find a correlation between asbestos and other types of cancers, such as breast cancer, stomach cancer and colon cancer. However, the IARC has only asserted definitive causal relationships between asbestos and the above cancers. In other words, the agency’s studies have concluded asbestos is a cause of four types of cancer. Other research organizations have published studies that support the IARC’s findings.


石棉暴露can lead to the development of mesothelioma cancer. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that develops in organ linings.

After an individual swallows or inhales asbestos fibers, the fibers can become embedded in their organ linings. Once embedded, the microscopic asbestos fibers can cause inflammation, irritation and mutation. Mutation of the mesothelial cells can lead to the development of mesothelioma.


Asbestos and Mesothelioma Quick Facts
  • Asbestos is the only definitive cause of mesothelioma.
  • Any amount of asbestos exposure can cause mesothelioma.
  • The term “asbestos cancer” most commonly refers to mesothelioma.
  • There were 3,109 new cases of mesothelioma reported in 2017.*

*Data for the United States, provided by theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)

Lung Cancer

石棉暴露can also lead to lung cancer. Asbestos lung cancer develops within the lungs after asbestos fibers are inhaled and become lodged in the lung tissue. The fibers then can cause irritation, genetic mutation and the growth of malignant cells.

The development of asbestos-related lung cancer can take years. As a result, asbestos victims may not recognize symptoms for more than a decade after initial exposure.


  • 据美国癌症协会,石棉lung cancer typically emerges 15 years after exposure.
  • Higher levels of exposure lead to a higher risk of lung cancer.
  • Many studies focus on the relationship betweenoccupational exposureand lung cancer.
  • There will be an estimated 135,720 deaths from lung and bronchus cancer in 2020.* Research has previously indicated asbestos causes around 4% of lung cancer cases.

*Estimates for the United States, provided by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program (SEER)



  • Applyingasbestos-contaminated products(例如滑石粉)到生殖器。然后,纤维穿过生殖系统。
  • 吸入或吞咽石棉。然后,纤维穿过血液或淋巴系统到达卵巢。


卵巢癌and Asbestos Quick Facts
  • 一些研究指出,定期使用滑石粉的风险增加了卵巢癌的风险。Talcum powdercan be particularly dangerous if contaminated with asbestos.
  • 卵巢癌病例已与次要暴露from men who held high-risk asbestos occupations.
  • Medical history, old age and hormonal treatments may increase a woman’s risk of ovarian cancer from asbestos.
  • There will be an estimated 13,940 deaths from ovarian cancer in 2020.* Research is limited on what percentage of cases is directly linked to asbestos.

*Estimates for the United States, provided by the NCI SEER Program


石棉暴露can lead to laryngeal cancer (cancer of the voice box). Asbestos-related laryngeal cancer is caused by inhaling asbestos. Fibers must travel through the larynx before reaching the lungs. As a result, fibers can embed in the tissues of the voice box. This can then lead to the development of malignant cells.

喉癌之间的联系和石棉previously unknown. However, a 2006study by the National Institutes of Health(NIH) confirmed the relationship. Many additional studies have since supported asbestos as a cause.

  • Studies have found a correlation between levels of asbestos exposure and laryngeal cancer mortality rates.
  • Smoking and excessive alcohol use may increase the risk of asbestos-related laryngeal cancer.
  • Exposure to other carcinogens, such as silica dust, may lead to an increased risk of asbestos-related laryngeal cancer.
  • 2020年估计将有3,750例喉癌死亡。*目前尚不清楚与石棉直接相关的病例百分比。

*Estimates for the United States, provided by the NCI SEER Program


石棉暴露can cause other serious conditions, such as asbestosis. Some studies have found possible correlations between asbestos and other cancers, including:

  • 肾癌
  • 乳腺癌
  • 食道癌
  • 白血病
  • 前列腺癌

The IARC recognizes positive associations between asbestos and the following cancers:

  • Rectal cancer
  • 咽癌
  • 胃癌
  • Colon cancer

不n-Malignant Asbestos Illnesses


  • Asbestosis:肺组织疤痕的慢性肺部疾病
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD):Chronic inflammatory lung disease interfering with air movement to the lungs
  • 胸膜斑块:肺衬里的良性增厚区域
  • 胸膜增厚:Thickening of the lung lining with scar tissue
  • Pleural effusion:Buildup of fluid around the lungs
  • Peritoneal effusion:Buildup of fluid around the abdomen
  • 心包积液:心脏周围的液体积聚
  • Rounded atelectasis:Folding of lung tissue

Patients may be diagnosed only with a benign asbestos disease. However, a benign condition could also be associated with a malignant condition. For example, pleural effusion is a symptom ofpleural mesothelioma

03. Risk Factors

Asbestos Cancer Risk Factors

Studies have found several factors that increase the risk of developing asbestos cancer after exposure. These risk factors include:

  • Long-term
    asbestos exposure
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol use
  • Obesity
  • Poor health
  • 不良的饮食习惯
  • Other medical conditions

People can come in contact with asbestos through using products that contain asbestos, their occupational tasks or close contact with another person who was exposed to asbestos. Although no level of exposure is safe, long-term exposure increases the risk of asbestos cancer.

Individuals who know they have been exposed to asbestos should inform their doctor as soon as possible. Frequent monitoring can help increase the likelihood of early detection. If asbestos cancers are detected in the early stages, patients may be able to improve theirprognosis有积极的治疗。


How Is Asbestos Cancer Diagnosed?

Asbestos cancer is typically diagnosed by:

  • 检查患者的病史
  • Analyzing symptoms
  • Conducting血液检查to rule out minor conditions and identify potential biomarkers
  • Performing成像扫描, such as X-rays or CT scans, to locate abnormalities
  • Conducting a活检to determine if affected tissues are benign or malignant

Patients should seek medical care as soon as they recognize symptoms of cancer related to asbestos. They should also disclose any known history of asbestos exposure.



  • Coughing
  • Chest pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • 疲劳
  • 生殖
    or sexual changes
    (ovarian cancer)



Asbestos Cancer Treatment

与石棉相关的癌症通常接受手术,化学疗法和放射线治疗。实验治疗may also be an option for patients.治疗计划will vary on a case-by-case basis. Personalized treatment plans will consider multiple factors, including cancer type, stage, overall health, age and other patient characteristics.

Patients should seek care from a specialist to ensure they receive an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. For example,万博专业版间皮瘤专家have a deep understanding of what treatment options work best for different types of mesothelioma. An experienced specialist will also know what clinical trials may be available.

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