

  • Connect with a 15-year pleural mesothelioma survivor
  • 关于治疗和生存的第一手信息
  • 努力传播有关间皮瘤的希望和灵感万博专业版

Caregivers assume a role that is fulfilling and rewarding, but draining and difficult as they provide so much time, effort and support for a friend or loved one. It’s important for caregivers to focus on the resources that are available to them, so they can focus on the patient’s treatment journey. Financial assistance, legal assistance, long-term care options, counseling and other support resources are available.

01. Financial Assistance

经济支援for Mesothelioma Patients




  • 治疗costs:Chemotherapy drugs, chemotherapy and radiation therapy sessions, inpatient and outpatient care after surgery (recurrent for palliative surgeries).
  • 次要费用:在寻找间皮瘤专家和主要癌症护理中心,以及在治疗或身体局限性上的收入损失时万博专业版,旅行和住宿。




  • Mesothelioma lawsuits:An attorney can help you or a loved onefile a mesothelioma lawsuitagainst companies responsible for producing asbestos.
  • VAbenefits:间皮万博专业版瘤律师可以帮助退伍军人发现并申请福利,并找出所有可用的财政援助模式。
  • 社会保障福利:Lawyers are well-versed in benefits mesothelioma victims might be eligible for, including social security. They can help with determining eligibility and applying for available benefits.
02. Health Insurance


癌症患者的一个普遍关注点是他们的健康保险是否会涵盖他们的治疗。医疗服务可能会变得极为昂贵,尤其是当保险公司拒绝索赔时。患者应该对初级保险治疗范围, as well as any supplemental coverage that may be offered through other insurance types, such as Medicare, Medicaid, VA benefits and Social Security. If questions or concerns arise, patients should seek the help of loved ones, as well as insurance representatives.

Questions to ask regarding insurance coverage and cancer:

  • What is covered and to what extent? (i.e. mesothelioma doctor visits, treatments, hospitalization)
  • 有共付额,如果是的话,他们是什么?
  • 我的保险公司是否必须预先授权专家,治疗和医院访问?
  • 我可以选择看到什么专家吗?
  • 如果我对特定的医生不满意,我可以做出改变吗?
  • 我是否可以允许进行网络外护理,特别是对于一个可以更好地治疗不是网络的专家?
  • 哪些治疗选择最适合我的报道?(即家庭健康,医师办公室,医院设置)


There are many different types of primary health insurance available. A managed health care plan (MCO) breaks down into three different types: HMO (health insurance organization), PPO (preferred provider organization) or POS (point of service PPO). Each type differs based on coverage, however, there are some overarching characteristics that provide a basic understanding.

Typically MCOs provide policy holders with a list of in-network providers to choose from, and choosing to go out-of-network (common when seeking out mesothelioma specialists) entails an additional cost. In some cases, pre-approval may be required for specialist coverage. For some patients, it may be a possibility to seek a change in their policy to receive better coverage.

Other Coverage Options


There are additional government-funded programs that may be an option for underinsured cancer patients. Veterans may also have other options, such as the ability to receive treatments at a VA hospital or obtain prescription medications through a local veteran medical center. For those that are unable to work, Social Security disability benefits may be an option to help make up for the financial hardship of lost income.


Planning for Long-Term Cancer Care

Aggressive cancers such as mesothelioma can take a toll on patients, requiring them to utilize a variety of care options, including hospital care and home care. Planning ahead for long-term care options can help patients and families ensure a seamless transition between care facilities.


  • 对长期护理选择进行大量研究
  • 注意护理设施的位置
  • 调查设施声誉
  • 知道可用于长期护理的选项
  • Decide how to fund the cost of care
  • 了解政府计划是可能有助于费用的保险单

Assistance Finding Long-Term Care Solutions



Long-Term Home Care for Cancer Patients

After having the appropriate conversations and discussing the patient’s medical needs, in-home care might be the preferred option. Some locations allow caregivers to seek out long-term in-home care programs that provide care to patients within the comforts of their own home, under the supervision of a skilled health care team. This type of program may be able to provide registered nurses, case managers, medication management, transportation to treatments, medical supplies and equipment and home modifications.





Resources for Finding Out-of-Town Housing

除了进行个人研究并与医生讨论患者的需求外,医院社会工作者是一种有用的资源。特别是主要的癌症中心,很受欢迎mesothelioma treatment, often have partnerships with local apartments, hotels and other establishments nearby that will help patients find a trustworthy housing option within their budget and located close to their treatment facility.

Other tips for finding housing options:

  • Call area hotels and provide them with information on your situation
  • 寻找带有套房选项的酒店,可提供长期住宿和可访问性
  • Contact area accommodations and ask about special pricing for patients seeking long-term care nearby
  • 利用互联网查看短期和长期住宿选项
  • Visit Joe’s House在联合国找到成千上万的住宿选择ited States, some of which are partners with the website directly
  • 研究美国癌症协会的Cancer Hope Lodges,这为全国数十个地点提供了免费的住所。它们是癌症患者及其家人的“家外之家”,同时还提供了众多的联系和资源。



Local Transportation Services

Community-based transportation may be the best option for patients with city-, country- and state-run services. The yellow pages, the internet or a quick search for “transportation services near me” can be extremely helpful.

Other places to seek help:

  • The State Department of Transportation
  • 医院社会工作者
  • 癌症中心(可能有现场运输服务)
  • Community charitable organizations, such as churches or senior centers

Specialized Cancer Transportation


  • 康复之路:由美国癌症协会(American Cancer Society)提供的康复之路帮助患者无法在其他地方寻找骑行时的治疗。了解更多信息,访问他们的页面.
  • Angel Flight:由志愿者经营,Angel Flight为医疗需求和面临经济困难的患者提供航空运输。要求和资格信息可以找到天使飞行网站.
  • Lyft:Lyft partnered with Blue Cross Blue Shield in 2017 to pass along free rides to covered cancer patients. They continue to explore other partnerships, such as one with the American Cancer society to provide free medical transport to patients in need. Contact美国癌症协会for information on other potential partnerships.

对于想要帮助其他有需要的患者的照顾者或亲人,consider volunteering your own timeto give a ride to others going through cancer treatments.

06. Support Services


万博专业版间皮瘤患者和被诊断出患有晚期癌症的其他患者面临着癌症本身的情绪和身体的挑战treatment side effects. Fortunately, there are some cancer support resources that can offer assistance, peace and comfort.

  • Audiology:助听器有各种形状,尺寸和功能可用来帮助听力困难的患者,这对于老年人来说是一个普遍的问题。
  • 花卉服务:鲜花是一种简单而善良的手势,可以向您展示您所关心的人。考虑一个丰富多彩的布置以使他们的一天变亮,但要警惕医院的局限性或可能引发恶心的浓烈的花朵。
  • Food services:Caregivers should branch outside of the hospital cafeteria and explore other food options for a change of atmosphere. It’s important to remember to eat all meals, especially during a stressful time that changes your daily routine.
  • Seeing-eye dogs:眼神狗可以帮助那些视力差的人围绕着狗,同时也为他们提供情感支持。
  • Sign language interpreters:ADA有法律that requires public accommodations, like hospitals, to provide ASL services to deaf patients and caregivers. Private interpreters are also an option. Many doctors and hospitals can provide a list of local ASL interpreters.
  • Travel agents:万博专业版间皮瘤治疗通常需要外地旅行才能找到专家和著名的癌症诊所。旅行社可以帮助寻找患者及其家人提前计划的交易和服务,并找到满足他们需求的旅行选择。
  • Wish fulfillment programs:Similar to Make-A-Wish, there are programs that provide wish-fulfillment services to terminally ill adults, such as those affected by malignant pleural mesothelioma. Some options includeSecond Wind Dreams,Reeling and Healing Midwest,Dream Foundation,For Pete’s Sake Cancer Respite Foundation永远年轻.
07. Counseling



There are many different types of counseling out there, and other services from licensed psychiatrists and psychologists. Patients and caregivers can partake in individual counseling or family counseling. Insurance may cover services, or it may not, so it’s important to get into contact with potential centers and discuss financing and coverage options.



Spiritual guidance is a resource that some cancer patients rely on and view as an additional mode of support. Facing a serious and terminal disease can change a patient’s beliefs, and cancer centers often offer patients guidance and resources based on whatever denomination they are. Spiritual guidance can also be helpful to caregivers, offering a sense of peace and acceptance. (The Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance at does not recognize or advocate on behalf of any single religious, spiritual or other denomination or sect.)

09. End-of-Life Planning



  • Wills and DNRs
  • 生活信托
  • 临终关怀与家庭护理
  • Funeral planning
  • Community resources available




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The Importance of Caregiver Resources


Caregivers assume a role that is fulfilling and rewarding, but draining and difficult as they provide so much time, effort and support for a friend or loved one. It’s important for caregivers to focus on the resources that are available to them, so they can focus on the patient’s treatment journey. Financial assistance, legal assistance, long-term care options, counseling and other support resources are available.

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