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这United States Navy frequently used asbestos products on ships and in shipyards. As a result, Navy veterans have a high risk of developing mesothelioma from asbestos exposure during their service. Navy veterans with mesothelioma may be eligible for compensation and other benefits.

01. Benefits & Compensation

Benefits for Navy Veterans With Mesothelioma

这U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers financial compensation, healthcare and other benefits to U.S. Navy veterans with万博专业版和别的一种sbestos-related diseases

Navy veterans who develop an illness or injury as a result of asbestos exposure while serving in the military are eligible for these VA benefits.

Many veterans are诊断患有间皮瘤万博专业版一种s a result of the Navy’s history of heavy asbestos use. Although all军事分支用石棉, reports suggest Navy veterans are among the most at risk of developing mesothelioma or other asbestos diseases.

赔偿for Navy Veterans Impacted by Asbestos Exposure



Navy veterans may also pursue compensation by filing a lawsuit against companies that supplied the military with石棉产品。这se lawsuits have an averagemesothelioma settlementpayout of $1 million – $1.4 million.

海军退伍军人也可以考虑提交一个石棉信托基金claim. These funds are created by一种sbestos companies支付当前和未来的石棉受害者。

Other Benefits for Navy Veterans

Loved ones of Navy veterans with mesothelioma may also be eligible for compensation through VA claims. Spouses and surviving family members may qualify for依赖和赔偿补偿or special monthly compensation. In these cases, family members would receive financial aid.

幸存的家庭成员也可能有资格file a legal claim against those responsible for asbestos exposure, such as a lawsuit or asbestos trust fund.

Along with financial benefits, the VA also offers healthcare benefits for Veterans. These benefits can help veterans receivemesothelioma treatment

ThroughVA治疗中心, Navy veterans may receive cost-free treatment and services. These services may range from regular checkups to specialized cancer care.

02. Asbestos on Ships & Shipyards


海军服务成员面临频繁一种sbestos exposure。这Navy, as well as other military branches, used asbestos products until around 1980.In one study, researchers reported the Navy began using asbestos as early as the 1880s.

Asbestos was often used by the military as afireproofing material。海军军人生石棉和我们处理rked with asbestos-containing products. The Navy’s widespread use of asbestos led to exposure on Navy ships and in shipyards.

For many decades, the Navy did not acknowledge the health effects of asbestos. In the 1940s, government agencies began creating some guidelines for exposure limits. At the same time, medical researchers continued to explore the health impacts. However, Navy service members took little precaution to protect themselves from inhaling asbestos fibers.

When Did the Navy Stop Using Asbestos?


As a result, Navy veterans continued to face high exposure risks until the Navy stopped using asbestos.

Families of Navy shipyard workers also experienced二级石棉曝光。Service members often returned home with contaminated clothing. Family members could inhale the microscopic石棉纤维一种nd later develop an asbestos-related illness.


海军服务会员乘坐shipswere at risk of asbestos exposure in their everyday line of work. Asbestos could potentially be found in every part area of naval vessels from the 1930s through the late 1970s. As a result, Navy veterans with various occupations risked exposure through their duties on the ships.

一些石棉曝光的职业大多数风险一种board Navy vessels include:

  • 烹饪工人
  • Electricians
  • Gunner’s mate
  • 机械师
  • Medical staff
  • 海军建设者
  • Pipefitters
  • Submarine workers
  • Technicians
  • Welders

Navy personnel and other ship workers may have come into contact with asbestos-containing materials throughout the ship.

一些of the most common asbestos materials used in shipbuilding include:

  • 粘合剂
  • 阻止绝缘
  • Boilers
  • Filters
  • 垫圈
  • 绝缘
  • 包装
  • 管材绝缘材料
  • Pumps
  • Ventilation ducts

这se asbestos-containing materials could most commonly be found in storage rooms, boiler rooms, engine rooms and pump rooms. These rooms contained high-heat machinery.



这Navy continued to build vessels with asbestos products until the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) regulations in the 1970s. These一种sbestos laws set exposure limits对于许多行业。


Asbestos Exposure Among Merchant Marines

Merchant Marines are a supplemental branch of the U.S. Navy. They serve on merchant ships and vessels. Merchant Marines faced asbestos exposure while serving on asbestos-ridden ships.

Merchant Marines are technically civilians and do not qualify for many VA benefits. However, under the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 1998, Merchant Marines who served in World War II may qualify for VA benefits.

Despite discontinuing the use of asbestos on Navy ships in the 1970s, the mineral may still be found in some vessels today.


Navy ships were built with many asbestos products. As a result,shipyard workers frequently experienced asbestos exposurewhile building, repairing and retiring ships.

工人常常负责切割和锯切原料石棉,用于管道绝缘,垫圈和其他用途Navy shipyards。When asbestos-containing products were cut, airborne asbestos could be easily inhaled.


03. Veterans’ Mesothelioma Risk


Many Navy veterans are atrisk of developing mesotheliomadue to military asbestos exposure. Military veterans, including Navy veterans, make up approximately 30% of all mesothelioma cases.

这Navy is believed to have used asbestos more than any other branch in the military. As a result, Navy veterans are among the highest at-risk groups for developing mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.

Past uses of asbestos continue to create a risk for veterans. Older ships may still contain asbestos components, and asbestos materials may still be found in shipyards.

latency period of mesotheliomaranges from 10 – 50 years. Navy veterans may be diagnosed with mesothelioma decades after initial exposure.

石棉在海军军人的健康影响一种nd shipyard workers were first documented in 1942. Dr. Phillip Drinker, Chief Health Consultant to the US Maritime Commission, studied the health of shipyard workers.

Dr. Drinker’s study details the health risks among shipyard workers at the沐浴铁厂船厂。自从他的研究以来,海军退伍军人之间的长期健康影响已被强烈记录。

Navy veterans who may have experienced asbestos exposure should talk to their doctor. A medical professional can help come up with a plan to monitor for any signs of asbestos disease and aid early detection.

04. Mesothelioma Prevention


这re are programs in place to protect the health of current Navy service members and Navy veterans. These programs aim to prevent Navy personnel from being exposed to asbestos and to monitor the health of Navy veterans.

OSHA’s National Emphasis Program (NEP) on Shipbreaking:OSHA制定了该计划,以便授权检查和其他实践,以限制造船厂的石棉。OSHA与环境保护局(EPA)进行联合检查,以鉴定石棉产品和其他环境污染物。


这Asbestos Medical Surveillance Program (AMSP): The Navy created this program to maintain records of service members who have faced occupational asbestos exposure. Doctors conduct chest X-rays and perform lung tests to monitor the health of those who were exposed to asbestos in the military.

This program aims to detect mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases early. Although some Navy veterans may have already been exposed to asbestos, early detection is crucial.

Early detection allows Navy veterans with mesothelioma to start treatment sooner. Starting treatment early is the best way to potentially improveprognosis for mesothelioma patients


