
Mesothelioma Life Expectancy


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詹姆斯·史蒂文森(James Stevenson)Thoracic Medical Oncologist


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Mesothelioma life expectancy is the overall survival of a patient. The average life expectancy for mesothelioma patients is approximately 18 – 31 months. Life expectancy for pleural mesothelioma is about 18 months on average. Peritoneal mesothelioma patients generally have a life expectancy of two years or more.




Life expectancy varies on a case-by-case basis. Patients should discuss their individual case with a doctor to better understand their life expectancy and treatment options. When discussing life expectancy, patients may also hear related terms, such asprognosis一种nd存活率

02. Impacting Factors


The life expectancy for mesothelioma patients is generally short and varies depending on stage, gender and age. Approximately 40% of patients live past one year, and 9% live longer than five years. Long-term survival is rare, with fewer than 10% of patients living beyond five years.

一种number of factors can impact life expectancy for those diagnosed with万博专业版, 包含:

  • 肿瘤阶段
  • 位置和单元格
  • Patient characteristics



早期诊断和识别间皮瘤万博专业版阶段can improve a patient’s life expectancy. If mesothelioma is diagnosed at stage 1 or 2, the cancer has not metastasized, or spread to other areas of the body. At these earlier stages, patients have more treatment options and treatments are typically more effective. This can result in a life expectancy of approximately 19 – 21 months.

However, at stages 3 and 4, mesothelioma has spread to lymph nodes and distant organs. Patients may face more limited treatment options as a result. Life expectancy for stages 3 and 4 ranges from 12 – 16 months.


The location of the cancer can also influence a patient’s life expectancy. Certain types of mesothelioma, like testicular mesothelioma, are more localized and respond more favorably to treatment than other types. Pericardial mesothelioma, however, is often the result of metastasis and is difficult to treat because it develops on the membrane around the heart. As such, pericardial mesothelioma patients generally face a shorter life expectancy than other types.

Cell Type

Mesothelioma can be categorized into three different cell types, including上皮类,,,,肉瘤一种ndbiphasic(上皮细胞和肉瘤细胞的混合物)。



胸膜间皮瘤万博专业版Life Expectancy by Age at Diagnosis
Up to 65 years 12个月
65岁以上 8个月
75+ years < 4 months

Older mesothelioma patients generally have shorter life expectancies. These patients are often in poorer health and have pre-existing health conditions that limit viable treatment options.


In general,women diagnosed with mesothelioma比患有间皮瘤的男性长约5.5个月。万博专业版男性也比女性更常见。这可能是男性在高风险中工作的结果一种sbestos occupations在使用它的高度。

Overall health can also affect the life expectancy of mesothelioma patients. Patients in good health are more likely to undergo aggressive treatments for improved life expectancy. Those with poor health or pre-existing conditions may have fewer treatment options available and face a shorter life expectancy.


Other Factors Affecting Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

Many other factors can determine a patient’s life expectancy. Factors that could have a negative impact on a patient’s life expectancy include:

  • 一种吸烟的历史一种lthough cigarette smoking does not directly lead to mesothelioma, cigarette smokers who are exposed to一种sbestos发展与石棉相关的肺癌的可能性高约50至84倍。
  • Elevated white blood cell count:White blood cell count typically indicates the body fighting against a pre-existing condition or blood cancer, which can make mesothelioma more difficult to treat.
  • 低血红蛋白水平:低血红蛋白水平可能表明贫血,这是许多患者接受化学疗法时面临的疾病。这会导致患者感到呼吸,头晕和疲倦。这些症状可能会因严重程度而异。
  • High platelet count:一种特定类型的高血小板计数,称为继发性血栓形成,会产生血凝块,并由体内感染引起。对于癌症患者来说,这是一种常见但严重的并发症。
04. Impact of Treatment

Mesothelioma Life Expectancy With Treatment

Patients diagnosed with early-stage mesothelioma may be able to undergo aggressive multimodal treatment methods, such as手术切除of the tumor combined with treatments like化学疗法一种ndradiation

Different surgery options can provide patients with improved quality of life and ultimately may extend life expectancy.


For patients with peritoneal mesothelioma, debulking surgery to remove cancerous tumors can be combined with高温腹膜化疗(HIPEC)to improve survival. One study showed surgery combined with HIPEC resulted in a 5-year survival rate of 50%, with some studies indicating a 5-year survival rate of 67% and higher.


Clinical trialsmay be available for eligible patients, including those with late-stage diagnoses, to improve life expectancy.免疫疗法has shown promise in extending life expectancy and has become a standard treatment option for mesothelioma patients after showing positive results in clinical trials.


  • Leading a healthy lifestyle with proper exercise and diet may help patients while undergoing treatment.
  • Undergoing一种lternative treatment methods一种s part of a multimodal treatment plan may help patients manage symptoms and improve quality of life.



Mesothelioma Life Expectancy Without Treatment


Patients may decide to forego treatment for a variety of reasons, including if the cancer is in advanced stages. Foregoing treatment can shorten life expectancy. Patients should discuss all their treatment options before making a decision.

06. Common Questions

Common Questions About Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

How long can you live after being diagnosed with mesothelioma?

The average mesothelioma life expectancy is 18 – 31 months. Life expectancy can vary based on other factors, such asmesothelioma type,,,,stage, patient age and overall health.

Can stage 1 mesothelioma be cured?

尽管有万博专业版治疗选择that can help improve prognosis.

How long can you live with stage 4 mesothelioma?

The average life expectancy for patients withstage 4 mesotheliomais one year. However, life expectancy by stage can vary based on factors such as mesothelioma type.

Can mesothelioma life expectancy be improved?

治疗方案可能能够改善患者的预期寿命。Multimodal treatments组合手术,化学疗法和放射线已显示出特殊的成功。

What is the difference between life expectancy and prognosis?

预期寿命是预计患者将寿命的时间。Prognosisis how the disease is likely to progress.


