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在高风险行业工作的人中,石棉暴露和吸烟的风险可能更加严重。Occupational asbestos exposure是间皮瘤和其他石棉疾病的最常见原因,估计每年有1.25亿万博专业版人在工作中接触过石棉。由于发病率很高,国家癌症研究所建议,经历过职业接触的人不应吸烟或戒烟以减轻间皮瘤的风险。万博专业版通常,工人在长时间的时间内会面临较高浓度的石棉纤维的暴露,从而增加了间皮瘤的风险。万博专业版如果这些工人还吸烟,香烟中的石棉和毒素会进一步刺激和疤痕肺组织,这可能会导致石棉癌的发展和进展,而不是通常的长期长。潜伏期10 - 50年。

一旦癌症发展,继续吸烟也会使间皮瘤患者的整体生活质量恶化。万博专业版研究表明,吸烟加剧了与pleural mesothelioma, such as shortness of breath and cough. Smoking after diagnosis can also worsen side effects experienced from common treatments, as well as lessen the effectiveness of the treatments. Smoking may also lead to a co-occurring cancer diagnosis, such as non-asbestos lung cancer, oral cancer or esophageal cancer, among others.


02. Asbestosis

Smoking and Asbestosis


研究还表明,二手或环境烟草烟雾可以增加石棉和其他的风险Asbestos cancersfor fetuses. The exposure to smoke when in utero can alter the child’s immune response to asbestos later in life, making them more susceptible to disease after asbestos exposure. The risk is compounded when the exposure to environmental tobacco smoke continues into early development.

For smokers diagnosed with asbestosis, the severity of the condition and its symptoms increase with age. Asbestosis treatment options are focused on improving a patient’s ability to breathe through use of inhalers and other medications. Smoking can disrupt the benefits from the treatment regime. Additionally, among both smokers and nonsmokers, those who have asbestosis have an elevated risk of developing lung cancer and mesothelioma, making treatment even more important.

03. Asbestos Lung Cancer


研究发现Asbestos-related lung cancer约占所有肺癌诊断的3%。尽管吸烟是肺癌的最常见原因,但接触石棉也可以在肺组织中发展导致该疾病的肿瘤。


  • Smokers who faced asbestos exposure were 14.4 times as likely to develop lung cancer than nonsmokers.
  • 在患有石棉病并且仍然吸烟的工人中,肺癌的风险比非吸烟者高37倍。
  • 石棉暴露和吸烟导致肺癌死亡的风险是非吸烟者的28倍以上。

While smoking causes an increased lung cancer risk in asbestos workers, studies have shown that after quitting smoking there is a significant drop in incidence rate. Thirty years after quitting smoking, asbestos workers have the same risk of developing lung cancer as a nonsmoker. In a 2013 study, researchers found that within 10 years of quitting, participants’ lung cancer mortality rates were the same as those who had never smoked. In the study, lung cancer mortality was 177 deaths per 10,000 among current smokers, and after participants quit, smoking mortality dropped to 90 deaths per 10,000.

04. Asbestos in Cigarettes


Asbestos has known fire-retardant properties and because of this ability, the carcinogen was used as an additive in Lorillard’s Kent cigarette filters. The company’s filters were made with crocidolite asbestos from 1952 – 1956. One filter from a Kent cigarette manufactured during this time period contained 10 mg of crocidolite. Within the first two puffs of an asbestos-containing cigarette, microscopic asbestos fibers could be found in the cigarette smoke. If a person smoked a pack of these Kent cigarettes a day, they would inhale more than 100 million crocidolite fibers a year.


Anyone who smoked or was exposed to a loved one’s cigarette smoke from Kent cigarettes at this time should consult a doctor about their increased risk of asbestos-related diseases.



