
Alternative Mesothelioma Treatments


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Most alternative techniques are used as complementary treatment options, supplementing surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. Many lack scientific evidence and their effects vary from patient to patient. For those diagnosed with a disease such as mesothelioma that has apoor prognosis一种nd bothersome symptoms, alternative treatments might be appealing as姑息治疗, helping the patient live a comfortable, high-quality life.

Mesothelioma patients must work with their medical care team to establish a treatment plan, especially if the plan involves complementary and alternative medicine. Some alternative methods could conflict with conventional techniques or clinical trials that the patient may be participating in. Patients should seek the help of health professionals to understand the growing list of conventional treatments, alternative treatments, experimental treatments and clinical trials potentially available to them. Continued research and awareness offers hope for finding a cure and surviving mesothelioma.

02. Bodywork Practices




万博专业版间皮瘤症状or treatment side effects may leave patients with symptoms that cannot be managed through medications or other therapies. Many cancer patients seek chiropractic care as an alternative method of cancer care. Studies have shown that chiropractic treatment is effective for helping reduce pain, stiffness, poor mobility and similar symptoms in patients with breast cancer, lung cancer, mesothelioma and other forms of cancer. As with all alternative treatment methods, patients must discuss options with their health care team to ensure viability with other therapies, such as chemotherapy and radiation, that may complicate options.

Osteopathic Medicine

Mesothelioma patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy often look for alternative methods to handle negative treatment side effects, one of which is osteopathic medicine, otherwise known as osteopathy or OMT. OMT focuses on the musculoskeletal system, and is typically a gentle, hands-on therapy that targets certain areas of the body to restore balance, reduce stress, loosen and stretch joints, all while improving pain and fatigue.



Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS Therapy)

TENS Therapy is a palliative alternative treatment option that directs electrical stimulation through different parts of the body. This then increases the level of endorphins and hopefully reduces pain, which can be a characteristic symptom of mesothelioma or associated treatments. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation can be done through a physical therapist or at home with the proper equipment.

Reflexology for Cancer



Many cancer patients use acupuncture palliatively. Narrow needles are inserted into the skin at specific pressure points, which has shown much success in relieving pain for cancer patients. Some scientific studies have proven that acupuncture helps treat dyspnea (difficulty breathing), a common symptom of万博专业版

Massage and Cancer



当阻塞防止流体正确排干时,会发生淋巴水肿,从而导致淋巴结保留多余的淋巴液,从而导致体内各部位肿胀。这也可能是由于去除淋巴结的去除而引起的,许多癌症患者就是这种情况,改变和阻碍了淋巴液流动的方式。辐射therapy, a common treatment for mesothelioma, can also cause lymphedema as the lymph nodes are damaged or scar tissue forms in lymph-collecting tubes.

Lymphedema is a permanent condition, but can be treated with lymphatic drainage therapy. For any patient experiencing swelling after surgery, chemotherapy or radiation during his or hermesothelioma treatment, lymph drainage therapy may be a complementary treatment option.

Healing Touch and Touch Therapy for Cancer



Healing touch involves many different techniques, whereas therapeutic touch therapy is more specific. Both therapies work with the energetic systems around the human body with light or near-body touches. Healing touch involves addressing goals and concerns with the patient, connecting with their energy field and working to clear and balance energies. Therapeutic touch allows the practitioner to locate the energy field, find areas where energy flow is inhibited or blocked, remove the inhibitions and induce relaxation. Those that practice these therapies feel that it can speed up the healing process and promote relaxation, particularly helpful for mesothelioma patients dealing with bothersome symptoms or high levels of stress from the disease.

03. Dietary Supplements

Dietary Supplements and Cancer

Patients may look to dietary changes as a way to support their cancer treatment journey. Researchers continue to study what supplements or diet changes can support the body’s fight against cancer and/or help prevent cancer. Patients should seek help from a dietician or nutritionist to ensure all of their nutritional needs are being met.

Nutrition Cancer Treatment

Mesothelioma cancer and mesothelioma treatment options can cause a variety of nutritional issues, including anorexia and cachexia. Maintaining a nutritious diet and catering to your body’s needs can help maintain body weight and boost body strength, while proteins and calories help heal, fight infection and provide energy. Some cancer centers encourage vegan and vegetarian cancer diets to bring in rich vitamins, lean proteins and fibers, allowing patients to feel better and stronger. As with all treatments, it’s crucial for patients to discuss plans with their medical care team.

Herbal & Nutritional Supplements for Cancer Patients

带着平均的寿命of just 1 – 2 years, mesothelioma patients often resort to a variety of alternative and palliative treatments to enhance their quality of life after the disease has progressed. Many patients opt to change their diet and try both herbal and nutritional supplements to help manage symptoms, strengthen their immune system and enhance their overall wellness. Some patients have even shown a better response tochemotherapy treatment


恶性间皮瘤患者往往p万博专业版rescribed many different medications as a part of their treatment plan. For those that don’t want to continue adding more medicine to their body, they often turn to homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy involves the use of nature-based substances, such as plant extracts and minerals that are strongly diluted to ensure safe administration to the patient. Homeopathic remedies aren’t used to address the disease specifically, but are meant to stimulate the body. For mesothelioma, the remedy wouldn’t aim to destroy or shrink the malignant tumor, but instead would stimulate the body to destroy the cancer cells on its own. Some supporters of this method believe that homeopathy can cure cancer, though there is no scientific evidence supporting this claim.


Lifestyle and Activity for Cancer


Personal Fitness and Training

保持健康的生活yle is important for any individual, but personal fitness and training can provide additional support to cancer patients through distraction, helping establish a routine and improving their outlook on life. There are many trainers and personal fitness coaches that specialize in working with those diagnosed with mesothelioma and other cancers, providing individuals with the support and care needed to accommodate any potential limitations and physical concerns.


Yoga is a practice used by many for physical and emotional health, offering a variety of benefits from improving range of movement, helping alleviate pain and inducing a state of relaxation. This could be particularly helpful for patients dealing with the stress of their diagnosis or pain and stiffness from treatment.


声音疗法是涉及声音的替代疗法方法的广泛,涵盖的类别。声音疗法可能涉及使用诵经,唱歌碗或小音箱。许多人认为,声音疗法可以帮助降低癌症患者的疼痛水平,甚至可能缩小肿瘤,尽管鼓励患者讨论选择的选择mesothelioma doctor。音乐疗法通常被归类为一种声音疗法。

Music Therapy for Cancer Patients

Music therapy can take many different forms, including playing an instrument, singing or listening to music. Case studies have shown that music therapy can support cancer patients in particular in terms of mood, stress, pain, anxiety and trouble relaxing, all common throughout the treatment process. This enhances an overall state of well-being and encourages a high-quality of life, which is particularly important for those facing a poor life expectancy and looking for palliative care options.

05. Calming Techniques


Cancer patients may benefit from calming techniques to stay relaxed, peaceful and comfortable during their treatment journey. Such therapies may also help physically. For example, calming techniques may help with anxiety, depression, sleep problems and headaches.

Meditation for Cancer Healing

The benefits of meditation and other mind-body therapies vary, working better for some than others. The main goal of meditation is for individuals to clear their mind and find a calm, relaxed state. In terms of cancer patients, meditation can help ease the stress and anxiety of a jarring diagnosis, such as mesothelioma, and offer a sense of solace during difficult treatment journeys. Meditation may also help patients think clearly and come to more confident decisions about their health care.


There have been many studies that have looked at the relationship with hypnotherapy and patients going through cancer treatment. While there is a need for more research, evidence has shown that hypnotherapy can greatly help with anxiety, depression, distress, pain and sleep problems, all of which are prominent for patients going through treatment for an aggressive cancer likemalignant pleural mesothelioma


芳香疗法从植物(也称为精油)中取出油,并利用它们来促进健康的身心。研究表明,芳香疗法可帮助癌症患者以及其他treatment side effects, including nausea.

Pet Therapy for Cancer Patients

While having a pet brings joy to many households, it can be especially beneficial for cancer patients. Studies have shown a proven connection between interaction with a pet and lower blood pressures, decreased anxiety, mood improvement and even pain relief. Petting your dog, cat or other pet can produce endorphins – chemicals that suppress the pain response. Pets also become welcome companions, offering comfort and support after treatments and a distraction from the stress of a cancer diagnosis.

为了找到宠物疗法,鼓励患者与他们的癌症中心或诊所接触,这可能能够提供帮助找到兼容计划。Therapy Dogs International一种ndThe Delta Society还可以帮助患者和家庭找到宠物治疗计划。

06. Other Therapies & Techniques



Medical Marijuana

几个世纪以来,大麻已在草药中使用,科学家已经确定了许多在大麻中活跃的活性成分。这些成分称为大麻素,可能对人体产生类似药物的作用。Medical marijuanahas been shown to ease the symptoms caused by cancer and traditional cancer treatment including pain, nausea and insomnia. Mesothelioma patients will need to speak with their doctor about their options for this alternative treatment.

Cancer Coach

更广泛的被称为一种健康教练,cancer coach can be a great resource for mesothelioma patients. Cancer coaches work with patients to find ways to improve their quality of life through alleviating pain and stress, and making important lifestyle changes that can help speed up the healing process after cancer treatments. These techniques can make the patient more calm and comfortable throughout their treatment journey.

Naturopathic Cancer Treatment

Somecancer centers相信常规疗法和互补疗法的结合是癌症患者的最佳治疗计划。一种使用的一种替代治疗方法是自然疗法,也称为自然疗法。自然疗法采用自然,整体的医学方法,以针对人体自然治愈的能力。自然疗法被认为会引起人体的自我修复过程,有些人认为这可能是一种补充治疗选择,以及传统模式,例如化学疗法和放射疗法。

Biofeedback Therapy

The aim of biofeedback therapy is to train the human body to gain control over actions that are usually involuntary. This alternative treatment is often used to help with mesothelioma pain management. However, clinical studies have also shown its success with symptoms such as headache, hypertension, and insomnia.

Light Therapy for Cancer Treatment

Light therapy is a complementary therapy that some cancer patients find helpful throughout the course of their conventional treatment plan, helping to reduce pain, stress and anxiety. Photosensitizing agents are injected into the patient’s body, which are then absorbed by cancer cells. Light is applied to the treated area, causing an interaction between the drugs and the oxygen to form a cancer-killing chemical.

一些研究表明photodynamic therapycan be used to address tumors that cannot be surgically removed, improving quality of life and potentially extending lifespan. When used post-surgery, clinical studies have also found that PDT can be used to improve prognosis and extend life expectancy for mesothelioma patients.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a practice that originated in China as a form of traditional Chinese medicine, but has become widely used across the United States. It is designed to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environments through positive Qi. Teachers of Feng Shui believe that an individual’s environment can stifle healing, so changes to that space can promote faster healing. Practitioners will often come to the cancer patient’s home to identify geopathic stress points – supposed irregularities in the earth’s magnetic field. They may rearrange furniture or switch the room in which the patient sleeps in an effort to improve their quality of life.

Reiki Therapy for Cancer Patients

Many mesothelioma patients use reiki therapy as a complementary care option, alongside traditional forms of treatment. Reiki involves a practitioner putting his or her hands close to or softly on the patient’s body, hoping to facilitate their natural healing process. There isn’t any scientific backing of its effectiveness, though cancer patients have attested success with pain relief, better sleeping habits, help with tension and an overall improved well-being.



