
Financial Assistance for Mesothelioma Patients

  • Learn about mesothelioma compensation options
  • Receive help paying for treatment costs
  • 现在向间皮瘤受害者提供320亿美元万博专业版
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01. What Is a VA Claim?

What Is a VA Claim?

A VA claim is a way for veterans who develop a disability or illness as a result of service to receive benefits. For instance, veterans withasbestos diseases, such as万博专业版, can file a VA claim to receive financial compensation for their illness. Claims are filed with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

每个石棉相关VA声称一只老鼠ing system that evaluates exposure history, disease type and disease severity. The VA uses this rating scale to determine compensation amounts. Compensation can help families with treatment costs, lost income, pain and suffering and other associated damages.

02. Why Should I File a VA Claim?

Why File an Asbestos VA Claim?

VA claims can help eligible veterans gain compensation for their illnesses or injuries as a result of service. Claim benefits are paid monthly and can help patients with health expenses and lost wages.

具有间皮瘤或其他石棉疾病的退万博专业版伍军人可以面对高治疗费用。A veteran’s benefits claim can be an attractive way to cover illness-related expenses without going through a full legal process. VA disability benefits are not a legal claim, meaning claimants will not have to go through a settlement or verdict process.

Claimants can also receive healthcare through accredited VA hospitals. ManyVA treatment centers与之合作mesothelioma specialists。These centers can offer specialized care for veterans with asbestos-related illnesses.

03. Asbestos Claim Eligibility

Who Is Eligible to File an Asbestos-Related VA Claim?

In order to file a mesothelioma VA claim, veterans must meet a few eligibility criteria. Veterans wishing to file an asbestos VA claim must:

  • 不t have received a dishonorable discharge
  • Have provableasbestos exposureduring service in the military
  • Have medical documentation of an asbestos disease diagnosis

退伍军人of the军队,空军,Coast Guard,陆战队Navymay have been exposed toasbestos fibers在他们现役期间。结果,所有军事分支机构的退伍军人可能有发展石棉疾病的风险,并且可能有资格提出VA索赔。

Workers in certain job positions faced a higher risk of military asbestos exposure. The VA recommends veterans who worked in certain fields talk to their doctor about monitoring for signs of asbestos exposure.

  • 建造
  • Carpentry
  • Demolition
  • Mining
  • Milling
  • 造船厂

退伍军人also faced a higher risk of exposure when working with certainasbestos products, including:

  • 水泥表
  • Clutch facings and brake linings (friction products)
  • Flooring
  • Insulation
  • Pipes
  • Roofing



Several asbestos-related conditions qualify for VA benefits. Asbestos diseases eligible for VA claims include:

这些疾病的严重程度相关的变量to monthly compensation amounts.

Mesothelioma has the highest rate of compensation. The VA recognizes active mesothelioma and asbestos lung cancer at a 100% disability rating because of their severity. Mesothelioma is a very serious disease and requires immediate medical attention once diagnosed.



  • 医疗记录确认石棉疾病诊断
  • Service records showing time of military service, discharge status and job or specialty
  • Medical statements declaring connection between service, contact with asbestos and diagnosis

In some instances, the VA will require further information. A VA representative will contact the claimant if more evidence is needed to complete the claim after initial review.

04. Claim & Compensation Types


There are several types of VA claims and benefits. Claim types vary based on when the individual was diagnosed in relation to their time serving. Compensation types depend on whether the veteran is still alive and any special circumstances surrounding their disease.

For veterans with an asbestos disease,mesothelioma attorneyscan assist throughout the process. Experienced lawyers can help patients choose the correct type of claim to receive maximum compensation.

VA Claim Types

There are several types of VA claims. However, only a few typically apply to asbestos exposure victims.

Claim types include:

  • 预分组索赔
  • 基于服务前残疾的索赔
  • Claims Based on In-Service Disabilities
  • Claims Based on Post-Service Disabilities
  • Claims Based on Special Circumstances

Mesothelioma patients will likely file a claim for a post-service disability. Due to the long latency of asbestos diseases, veterans are typically diagnosed after discharge.

VA Compensation Types

There are three primary types of compensation veterans with mesothelioma may be eligible for. VA compensation benefits include:

  • 残疾补偿: Monetary benefit for veterans with a service-related disability. This covers post-service disabilities, like mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.
  • Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC):货币福利为已通过的服务成员的幸存家庭成员。这涵盖了由于服务与残疾而死亡的退伍军人的幸存者。
  • Special Monthly Compensation (SMC): Benefit paid to veterans, their spouses and surviving family members as a result of special circumstances or a specific disability. When given to surviving loved ones, this benefit is referred to as “aid and attendance.” In these cases, SMC is paid out based on need.

退伍军人may also be able to receive reduced care costs if treated at a VA hospital facility.

All compensation awards are subject to a rating system. This system determines disease severity and adjusted compensation level.

05. Expected Compensation Amounts

How Much Compensation Can I Get From a VA Claim for Mesothelioma?

Compensation is awarded based on an individual’s disability rating. The VA rates injuries and illnesses from 0% to 100%. Higher ratings earn a higherrate of compensation。Mesothelioma and asbestos lung cancer have a 100% disability rating. Compensation rates are often adjusted annually.

In 2021,退伍军人with mesotheliomawho do not have dependents may receive about $3,100 each month. Having dependents or a spouse also requiring aid may increase this amount.

Asbestos Disease Compensation Rates

Active cancers often receive a 100% disability rating. This includes mesothelioma and lung cancer.

Less severe asbestos diseases, such as asbestosis and pleural plaques, may still result in compensation. However, as they are less debilitating, the ratings are likely to be lower. Exact disability ratings for non-cancerous asbestos conditions are determined with examinations, such as a pulmonary function test.

Attorneys can assist veterans with putting together mesothelioma and lung cancer claims. Experienced asbestos lawyers can help ensure patients receive the highest possible compensation rates.

06. How to File a VA Claim

How to File a VA Claim



VA Claim Process

The Department of Veterans Affairs follows a step-by-step process to determine a veteran’s eligibility for compensation. Once filed, there are typically eight steps to successfully process a disability claim.

  1. Claim Received: The VA receives the claim. Those who submit online will receive receipt of claim within one hour. A mail submission will take one week plus mailing time.
  2. 审查:退伍军人服务代表审查了要求确保包括所有支持证据的主张。如果不需要进一步的证据,则索赔将转移到步骤5。
  3. 收集证据: If necessary, additional evidence may be requested from the appropriate party. This can include the claimant, a healthcare professional or a government agency/representative.
  4. Review of Evidence: A Veterans Service Representative reviews all additional requested evidence. If further evidence is still required, the claim returns to Step 3.
  5. Preparation for Decision:退伍军人服务代表就索赔做出了拟议的决定。支持该决定的文件将被处理并发送给索赔人。有时,此时可能会要求其他证据。
  6. Pending Decision Approval: The proposed decision is reviewed and an award is approved. If necessary, additional evidence may be requested at this time.
  7. Preparation for Notification: A packet detailing the claim decision or award is assembled for mailing.
  8. 完全的: The claim decision/award packet is sent to the claimant via U.S. mail.

Duration from filing a claim to receiving the decision packet can vary greatly. The complexity of the claim, type of evidence, extent of evidence available and filing medium can all impact this timeframe.

According to the VA, the average time to complete disability-related claims is 131.9 days, as of January 2019.



该日期可能会根据索赔类型,诊断残疾的索赔类型以及与索赔相关的任何其他特殊情况而有所不同。有关索赔过程有疑问的患者应与经验丰富的mesothelioma law firm

07. Assistance With Filing a VA Claim

Can I Get Assistance With Filing My VA Benefits Claim?

退伍军人should discuss their VA claim options with an experienced mesothelioma lawyer.

Mesothelioma attorneys can provide insight into the claim process and what’s required to build a successful claim.

Experienced lawyers can also help veterans understand their eligibility for other compensation options. Depending on the veteran’s case, they may be eligible for other types of claims, such as amesothelioma lawsuit或者asbestos trust fundclaim.

Legal support during the claims process ensures the strongest claim possible to get compensation quickly, whether a VA claim or another claim option. Dedicated legal support can also allow patients and family members to focus on treatment, while a lawyer builds the mesothelioma claim.

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