
Mesothelioma Treatment Costs

Expert Fact Checked

此页面由医学评论James Stevenson, M.D.2019年5月3日。有关我们的内容创建和审核过程的信息,请阅读我们的editorial guidelines。如果您发现错误或对我们的内容有评论或问题,请contact us

James Stevenson, M.D.Thoracic Medical Oncologist


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Mesothelioma treatment can be costly, from the time of diagnosis through post-treatment care. Costs aren’t only limited to the type of treatment, but also can include required travel, accommodations and more. For some patients, treatment expenses can total tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

01. Common Treatment Costs

Common Mesothelioma Treatment Costs

It can be difficult to understand or estimate the costs associated with万博专业版间皮瘤治疗。但是,对普通费的一般了解可以帮助患者及其亲人计划。以下列出了常见的诊断和治疗成本,但仅是估计。

Common Mesothelioma Treatment Costs
万博专业版间皮瘤诊断和治疗费用 大约成本范围
诊断成像(CT,PET,MRI) $ 800 - 每次扫描$ 1,600
针头活检 $500 – $700
胸腔镜检查或胸膜镜检查(肺)或腹腔镜检查(腹部) $10,00 – $15,000
胸切开术(肺)或剖腹手术(腹部) $20,000 – $30,000
手术 - 肺切除术/肺切除术(切除部分或全肺) $20,000 – $30,000
Radiation $ 7,000 - $ 12,000
Chemotherapy – Pemetrexed (Alimta®) $37,000 – $50,000
Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy(HIPEC) $ 700 - $ 1,000

It’s important to note that average prices can vary based on insurance coverage, location and whether care is in- or out-of-network. Additional costs are also not taken into account, such as anesthesia, preoperative preparations, postoperative care or some prescriptions. Tools like the FAIR Health Consumer and Healthcare Bluebook are resources for estimating costs, taking insurance, location and network into account.


诊断费用mesothelioma cancer可以很高。误诊很常见,因此可以进行多次测试以确保准确的诊断,确定间皮瘤类型,细胞类型和分期。万博专业版间皮瘤患者获得第二意见也很常见,这通常也不万博专业版受保险的涵盖。



From least to most expensive, common scans used to diagnose mesothelioma include X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans and PET scans. Costs not including insurance can range from $800 – $1,600 for a single scan. Patients should keep in mind that multiple scans can be required to diagnose malignant mesothelioma.


Researchers continue to studymesothelioma biomarkers,分析什么专门的验血可能able to confirm a history of asbestos exposure or suggest a mesothelioma diagnosis. Common tests could include MESOMARK, HMGB1, Osteopontin or Fibulin-3.



Pricing can vary widely forbiopsies,因为有许多不同的类型。有些活检是微创的,而另一些则需要手术手术,最终可能成本更高。

  • 针头活检:细针抽吸,胸腔穿刺,,子宫森,心脏穿刺术
  • 微不足道的:胸腔镜检查/胸膜镜检查,腹腔镜检查
  • Invasive:Thoracotomy, laparotomy

It’s common for doctors to start with a minimally invasive biopsy. Sometimes the fluid or tissue sample is not adequate and another, more invasive biopsy may be necessary to confirm details of a diagnosis. Multiple biopsies can result in higher medical costs.

Mesothelioma Treatment Costs

After a mesothelioma diagnosis is confirmed, patients will establish a treatment plan with their medical care team. Costs will accumulate throughout treatment and after, so patients should understand all potential costs.


The cost ofmesothelioma surgerycan vary greatly based on the type of surgery, location of tumors and invasiveness of the procedure. For example, the removal of a lung (pneumonectomy) is much more costly than simply reducing tumor size (cytoreduction or debulking). Pricing can vary greatly for palliative surgeries as well, such as with pleurodesis and paracentesis where fluid is removed from around the lungs or abdomen.


有许多不同chemotherapy drugs可用于治疗间皮瘤。万博专业版组合Alimta(pemetrexed) and顺铂are considered the gold standard of mesothelioma care, which can cost thousands of dollars for a single treatment. Typically, a single round of chemotherapy (lasting several weeks) can total as high as $50,000. For most patients, a treatment plan will consist of multiple courses of chemotherapy. Other types of chemotherapy may cost less, but none are considered inexpensive.


研究表明,癌症患者为化学疗法和放射治疗can face widely different medical bills based on location. Further differing prices is the length of treatment for the patient and the type of radiation therapy being used. With no coverage, radiation therapy for mesothelioma patients can range from $10,000 – $50,000.

Emerging Treatment and Clinical Trial Costs


如果是mesothelioma clinical trials, studies are often funded by governments, universities or pharmaceutical companies, sparing patients some of the cost. However, patients should discuss their options and potential costs with their physician before making decisions about their treatment plan.


When establishing a financial plan, patients should consider additional costs that might arise when seeking a diagnosis, treatment and after-treatment care.

Complications and Secondary Illnesses

Patients may experience治疗副作用,需要额外护理的并发症或继发性疾病。这可以包括:

  • Cancer recurrence or new cancers in another part of the body
  • 化学疗法或放射线引起的牙齿问题
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Lung or heart problems due to radiation or chemotherapy treatment
  • Mental or emotional issues due to the traumatic experience of having cancer
  • 术后并发症


Travel, Room and Board

万博专业版间皮瘤患者通常必须旅行才能从top mesothelioma doctor或者cancer center。这可能会导致几项运输费,以及用于住宿,食品,天然气和其他旅行相关费用的费用。尽管有一些计划可以帮助减轻这些成本,例如美国癌症协会的康复之路和希望小屋,但患者及其亲人应该注意这些次要费用。

Ongoing Checkups and Prescriptions


02. Managing Treatment Costs


Patients often look for ways to minimize or better manage their cancer treatment costs after adding up all of the potential fees. Patients and their loved ones should always communicate with their medical care team or cancer center staff, as they can often provide information about potential discounts, cost-friendly solutions or local resources that can help. Some hospital or doctor fees may also be able to be reduced or waived, or funding options and special programs could provide payment for medical treatment.





Depending on your age and/or income level, you may be eligible for certain government health programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare Part A and Part B cover certain forms of cancer treatment, including radiation therapy and chemotherapy, which typically limits the amount patients have to pay to 20% of the total cost. Drugs related to cancer treatment, including drugs to treat side effects, such as anti-nausea drugs, are typically covered under either Medicare Part B or Part D.

退伍军人’ Benefits


Legal Compensation

石棉暴露是恶性间皮瘤的唯一已知原因。万博专业版大多数暴露是由于疏忽或其他产品责任索赔而发生的。结果,间皮瘤患者或幸存的家万博专业版庭成员可能能够提交万博专业版间皮瘤诉讼, seeking financial compensation after a diagnosis of an asbestos-related disease. Many asbestos companies were forced to set upasbestos trust fundswith sufficient funds to pay out current and future claims, allowing individuals to collect compensation long after their exposure.

Patients should discuss whether or not legal action is an option for them with anexperienced mesothelioma lawyer。Lawyers with a history of mesothelioma cases can better understand what requirements need to be met, what research needs to be done and how to get the most financial assistance possible for patients and their families.

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