

Bringing Awareness to Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma canceraccounts for around 3,000 diagnoses in the United States each year. In comparison, there are around 220,000 lung cancer diagnoses each year in the United States.

Due to its rarity,mesothelioma research is limited。但是,研究人员继续将精力集中在:



In 2004, the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation (Meso Foundation) celebrated the first Mesothelioma Awareness Day (MAD). In 2010, the United States Congress commemorated September 26th as National Mesothelioma Awareness Day.

This year marks the 17th annual Mesothelioma Awareness Day.

What Is the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation?

间皮瘤应万博专业版用研究基金会(Meso Foundation)是一个非营利组织。它旨在结束间皮瘤和与间皮瘤相关万博专业版的痛苦:

  • Advocating for federal mesothelioma research funding
  • 资金治疗研究
  • Providingfinancial grantsand support to mesothelioma patients and their families

The Meso Foundation recognizes the event “has been the driving force behind the movement to bring more attention and funding to this cancer.”


许多人不了解间皮瘤,万博专业版它的原因and who may be affected. However, mesothelioma has impacted many communities and workers in certain高风险职业

这主要是由于石棉的流行。石棉暴露can cause mesothelioma cancer.


Manyveterans have been exposed to asbestos在军队的所有分支机构中。石棉经常用于军事基地,海军船


自然灾害会干扰自然石棉存款。这些事件还可以破坏建筑物c上structed with石棉产品throughout communities.


Theattack on the World Trade Center释放出大量烟雾和碎屑,其中包含石棉。第一响应者和该地区的人冒着石棉风险的风险。


Older homes, especially those built before 1979, oftencontain products with asbestos。Renovations, demolitions and other home repair projects could disturb asbestos.

Asbestos Occupations

Various石棉manufacturersused raw asbestos or asbestos materials. Before dangers were well-known, miners and other employees who worked for these companies risked harmfullong-term asbestos exposure

Other High-Risk Occupations

教师,mechanics,construction workers还有许多其他人暴露了。石棉可能在旧教室里,汽车零件,建筑材料and more.



Is Asbestos Still Used Today?

Asbestos was largely used prior to 1979. However, older asbestos-containing products are still in use today.Asbestos is also not fully banned in the United States。在某些产品中,仍然允许矿物少量。

在过去的几年中,在baby powder,children’s toys,化妆品such as eye shadow andchildren’s makeup sets

Many advocates seek stricter石棉的规定上consumer goods. Companies may not disclose the possibility of asbestos on their packaging. Their products may also have had insufficient testing to rule out asbestos contamination.

Some health professionals advise consumers to take caution with talc-based products. Talc and asbestos deposits occur naturally together. As a result, talc is often contaminated with asbestos.

How Can I Help Spread Mesothelioma Awareness?


  • “用间皮瘤蓝色绘画世界:” Meso Foun万博专业版dation鼓励朋友,家人和其他人为间皮瘤穿蓝色。
  • Local participation: Individuals can take part in a local fundraiser or start a movement in their community to raise awareness.

The Meso Foundation provides more tips for getting involved on他们的间皮瘤万博专业版意识日页

Mesothelioma Awareness Day | 2021 Events

Every year, individuals and organizations celebrate Mesothelioma Awareness Day with unique events across the nation. The events below are fundraising events that honor remembered victims of mesothelioma. These events raise awareness and money to help current mesothelioma patients and their families.

Bruce A. Waite 5K Walk/Run | Ontario, Ohio

该活动庆祝布鲁斯·沃特(Bruce A. Waite)的生活和遗产。Waite是一名高中老师和狂热的跑步者。2003年,他从间皮瘤去世。万博专业版

今年的活动将于2021年9月19日举行。Find more事件详细信息在这里


This event is a golf tournament in memory of Emily Brown Cocis. Cocis passed away from malignant peritoneal mesothelioma in 2017. All money collected during this fundraising event will be donated to the following charities: the Meso Foundation, Let There Be Mom and the Make a Wish Foundation.

今年的活动将于2021年10月9日举行。Find more事件详细信息在这里
