
Isadora和Benjamin Weil于1881年在芝加哥创立了Weil-Mclain,然后被称为Weil Brothers。1918年,两人购买了J. H. McLain Company,并于次年更改了公司名称。新近铸造的Weil-Mclain发现了锅炉和供暖系统行业的成功和创新。但是,在开发新产品时,该公司在1950年代开始包括石棉。Weil-Mclain在其生产过程中使用石棉持续了二十年。这种用途导致对公司的成千上万起与石棉有关的诉讼。如今,Weil-Mclain继续面临其过去石棉使用的法律影响。

01. History of Asbestos Use

Weil-McLain History of Asbestos Use

Quick Facts
  • 运营年:1881年 - 礼物
  • 地点:Michigan City, Indiana
  • Production:Boilers, heating systems
  • 石棉信托:No

Weil-McLain first operated under the name Weil Brothers. The company started as a small wholesale plumbing and heating business inChicago1881年。创始人Isadora和Benjamin Weil后来购买了他们的主要供应商J.H.麦克莱恩(McLain)俄亥俄州广州

此次收购带来了公司名称和总部的变化。威尔兄弟(Weil Brothers)于1919年正式重新品牌为Weil-Mclain,并从芝加哥和广州搬到印第安纳州的密歇根市。

印第安纳州, Weil-McLain flourished and had many successes, such as developing the first smokeless coal boiler in the United States. During World War II, the company contributed to the war effort by producing boilers, tank turret rings, tank treads and clutch throw-out brackets.

战后是1950年代,韦尔 - 克林开始添加asbestosto its production process. Like manyasbestos companies,Weil-mclain在其加热产品中使用石棉来防止材料过热。这样做是为了保护项目的完整性,并限制了燃烧的可能性。



02. Asbestos Products

Weil-McLain Asbestos Products

Weil-McLain products were asbestos-free for the first six decades the company was operational. It wasn’t until the early 1950s that asbestos fibers were added to the Weil-McLain production process. By 1960, thehistory of mesothelioma记录研究人员将矿物与稀有癌症联系起来。

The company used the fibers to increase product durability, flexibility and heat- and fire-resistance. All products produced within Weil-McLain facilities between the 1950s and 1970s may contain the dangerous mineral or have been cross-contaminated withasbestos-containing products



Weil-McLain and Occupational Exposure

Weil-McLain一直是舒适供暖行业的尖端公司,需要一支高大的劳动力来为其各种工厂提供动力。Weil-Mclain在1950年代至1970年代使用的所有人员都可能经历过职业石棉暴露。Those most at risk of developingasbestos-related diseases包括那些面临经常暴露并在狭窄空间(例如Weil-Mclain工厂工人)工作的人。

Those employed by companies that used Weil-McLain asbestos products may also have been暴露在工作地点上的矿物。水管工和普通维修人员是最有风险的,因为它们经常修复和维护这些含石棉的产品。



Weil-McLain在与其制造石棉产品史有关的许多诉讼中都提到了。与许多石棉公司不同,Weil-Mclain拥有compensated successful claimantswith its own funds and has not formed an asbestos trust fund. If you believe you or a loved one was exposed,learn how a mesothelioma lawyer can help

One of the largest cases against Weil-McLain involved a pipefitter. Robert Swanson worked as a pipefitter and plumber from 1969 through the 1970s. He was employed by a company that exclusively used Weil-McLain boilers. Swanson was diagnosed with万博专业版2014年,他说他接触了公司锅炉的石棉。他的一部分职责包括从机器上刮下旧的石棉垫圈,然后安装新的石棉材料。

Robert Swanson and his son Shawn were awarded more than $7 million in their case against Weil-McLain.

Robert Swanson passed prior to his case reaching a verdict, but his son, Shawn, was awarded $1.5 million for past lost service, parental training, guidance, society and companionship. In addition, Shawn was awarded $4.2 million for future loss. Robert Swanson was awarded $2.75 million for pain and suffering. Weil-McLain was foundliablefor 60% of the total award, equating to approximately $5.1 million.

