
Hollingsworth&Vose Company专门从事空气过滤的各种应用纸产品。Hollingsworth&Vose Company在其许多产品中使用石棉,包括香烟过滤器和防毒面具。该公司不再使用石棉生产产品,但数千个人可能已经在职业和/或吸烟中暴露了。结果,许多人已针对公司使用石棉提起诉讼。如今,Hollingsworth&Vose仍在诉讼中提到,并用自己的资金向索赔人付款。

01. History of Asbestos Use

Hollingsworth&Vose Company使用石棉的历史

Quick Facts
  • Years in Operation:1881– present
  • Location:沃波尔,马萨诸塞州
  • 生产:Paper
  • 石棉信任:No

Hollingsworth & Vose Company began its operations prior to its incorporation in 1892. In 1843, Mark Hollingsworth and his sons, John and Lyman Hollingsworth, were granted a patent to manufacture paper from manila fibers. The fibers are obtained from abacá leaves, a variety of bananas also called manila hemp. This innovation by the Hollingsworth family was the springboard for much of the company’s success.

In the following years, the company continued to grow and its innovations became fruitful for the Hollingsworth family in the paper market, as well as in producinginsulating rope。Lyman and John’s nephew, Zachary T. Hollingsworth, purchased a paper mill in 1871 in East Walpole, Massachusetts to carry out the family’s business and meet production demands. In 1881, Hollingsworth formed a partnership with Charles Vose, his sales manager, creating Hollingsworth & Vose Company.

该公司直到1892年才合并,将纸和绳索业务公开。Hollingsworth&Vose专业industrial paper products并开始在1950年代某些应用中使用石棉。到1950年代中期,该公司每天生产了25吨工业纸,用于过滤器,电缆和电气隔热材料以及人造皮革。

During World War II, Hollingsworth & Vose became involved in war efforts by manufacturing asbestos-containing gas masks. The masks were used to protect those in theArmyandNavy来自危险气体,以及asbestoswas utilized for its density and durability. The company also producedasbestos-containing filters for cigarette brands,出于类似原因使用添加剂。

Starting in the early 1950s, Hollingsworth & Vose established a partnership with Lorillard Tobacco Company to manufacture Micronite cigarette filters for its Kent cigarette brand. Cigarette manufacturers use filters in their products in order for smokers to experience milder smoke upon inhaling, as well as to filter out large tar particles.

Hollingsworth & Vose manufactured asbestos-containing filters for Kent cigarettes through its subsidiary, H&V Specialties, in its own factory locations. Although both companies stopped manufacturing and producing asbestos-containing filters around 1957, thousands of factory workers and吸烟者已经接触到公司合资企业的石棉纤维。

Today, Hollingsworth & Vose specializes in air filtration systems for commercial, industrial and home usage. Although the company has since halted asbestos use, thousands of workers, smokers and other individuals were exposed to asbestos via its products. The company is still mentioned inasbestos lawsuitsand pays victims who were wrongfully exposed.

02. Asbestos Products

Hollingsworth&Vose Company石棉产品

Hollingsworth & Voseproducts contained asbestos至少直到1950年代后期。该公司利用一种稀有形式的石棉用于香烟过滤器,称为Crocidolite石棉。在每个滤清器中可以发现大约10 mg矿物。


Hollingsworth & Vose gas masks also contained crocidolite asbestos, as its fibers were dense enough to filter out hazardous gases. The tradeoff of this, however, is that many individuals were exposed to asbestos fibers instead of harmful gases. This was also the case for many of the air filtration paper products manufactured by Hollingsworth & Vose.

Asbestos-containing products manufactured by Hollingsworth & Vose include, but are not limited to:

  • “Micronite” cigarette filters, sold in Kent cigarettes from 1952 – 1956
  • Gas masks
  • AEC cellulose asbestos paper
03. Occupational Exposure

Hollingsworth & Vose Company and Occupational Exposure

在服务期间,退伍军人经常经常接触到石棉的产品,而Hollingsworth&Vose Gasusss则为这种暴露做出了贡献。部队经常戴着防毒面具,以保护自己免受用于化学战的芥末气和硫芥末酱。尽管口罩滤除了有害气体,但部队经常吸入用来制作口罩的石棉纤维。

Many individuals who were not involved in wartime efforts were also at risk of asbestos exposure. In addition to smokers, factory workers, HVAC workers and individuals who worked with air filtration systems were also frequently exposed to the asbestos fibers used by Hollingsworth & Vose. The potential forsecondary exposurewas also present with the company’s products via secondhand smoke.

Occupations Impacted by Hollingsworth & Vose Company’s Asbestos Use
04. Asbestos Litigation

Asbestos Litigation Against Hollingsworth & Vose Company

Hollingsworth&Vose Company在成千上万的涉及石棉产品的诉讼中被提及,其中许多产品与其香烟过滤器有关。

In one such case, Charles M.P. Connor was被诊断为间皮瘤万博专业版in 1997 and died two years later. It was initially unclear whether Connor was exposed to asbestos from his years as a smoker or years of occupational exposure as an assemblyman and electronics technician for an aircraft manufacturing facility. Connor initially filed his claim against 27 occupational defendants,companies that manufactured, installed or distributed asbestos products. After progressing to trial, only two defendants related to Connor’s occupational exposure remained and settled privately with the plaintiff.

康纳后来修改了他的声称,包括肯特香烟的制造商Hollingsworth&Vose和Lorillard Tobacco Company。他辩称,这些公司的含石棉的香烟过滤器有助于他的间皮瘤诊断。万博专业版法院裁定支持康纳(Connor)反对Hollingsworth&Vose和Lorillard烟草公司。判决为222.5万美元,医疗费用为225,000美元,非经济赔偿金为200万美元。

Hollingsworth & Vose does not have an established石棉信托基金for asbestos-related cases, but it uses its own funds to settle claims.万博专业版间皮瘤定居点vary depending on the type and stage of the asbestos-related disease, as well as a lawyer’s experience handling similar cases. If you believe you or a loved one is entitled to compensation,了解间皮瘤律师如何提供帮万博专业版助
