01. History


不rthern New Hampshire’s role as a center for medical research and patient care dates back to 1797, the year that Dartmouth College established its medical school. In order for the students to receive practical training, the 36-bed Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital was completed in 1893. In 1927, the staff formed the Hitchcock Clinic to provide multi-specialty patient care. These three entities, along with the Veterans Administration Hospital in White River Junction, Vermont, would eventually comprise the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, home of the Norris Cotton Cancer Center.

The Norris Cotton Cancer Center is largely the result of the vision and persistence of two men, Dr. Frank W. Lane and Senator Norris Cotton. As director of the Radiation Therapy Department at Mary Hitchcock Hospital during the 1960s, Dr. Lane recognized the need for a first-class cancer facility to treat patients from rural northern New England who might be unable or unwilling to make the long trip to Boston for their care. Dr. Lane secured funds to purchase advanced radiation therapy equipment but was unable to raise the cost of building construction until Senator Cotton took up the cause. In his role in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare’s Appropriations Subcommittee, the Senator obtained a $3 million appropriation from the National Cancer Institute to fund a new cancer facility at Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital.

The Norris Cotton Cancer Center at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in新罕布什尔is a multidisciplinary cancer care and research facility. In addition to its main campus, the center has four regional facilities and twelve affiliated hospitals in New Hampshire and Vermont. As one of 70 comprehensive cancer centers designated by the National Cancer Institute, Norris Cotton Cancer Center provides interdisciplinary team-based patient care, conducts a range of scientific and clinical cancer research, and sponsors classes and other educational opportunities. For more than 30 consecutive years, the center has received $3.1 million in core research funding from the国家癌症研究所每年。

02. Mesothelioma Care

Mesothelioma Care at Norris Cotton Cancer Center

达特茅斯 - 希区柯克医学中心是几个地方之一,患者可以通过诺里斯棉花癌中心接受护理。万博专业版通过肺/食道/胸腺癌计划治疗在达特茅斯山c上寻求治疗的间皮瘤患者。

诺里斯棉花癌中心使用基于团队的治疗方法,包括胸外科医师,胸部放射科医生,姑息治疗专家,营养学家and many more. Patients will have access to specialized thoracic surgery, thoracic radiation oncology, a large interventional pulmonology service, specialized gastroenterology, new treatments and clinical trials, thoracic pathology services and specialized thoracic medical oncology.

该中心还为可能有肺癌和间皮瘤风险的患者提供肺部检查,以便早期发现。万博专业版诺里斯棉花癌中心的200多名癌症专家和90名肿瘤学护士每年共同治疗31,000多名患者,而该中心的135多名研究人员参与了基本的癌症研究,clinical trialsand cancer prevention research.

In addition to standard cancer treatments, mesothelioma patients can also utilize support groups, classes and complementary care through Dartmouth-Hitchcock, such as massage therapy and reiki.

03. Specializations


  • 恶性胸膜间皮瘤万博专业版
  • 转移性胸膜肿瘤
  • 胸外科


  • 国家癌症研究所综合癌症中心称号
  • 美国新闻高级表演医院癌症识别