
Foseco Inc.由Eric Weiss和Kossy Strauss博士在英国伯明翰创立。该公司是铸造行业产品制造商。它在俄亥俄州克利夫兰开发了美国工厂和总部。Foseco在其产品中使用石棉,包括1962年至1976年在美国出售的石棉。因此,在许多石棉诉讼中,前雇员和其他人都将该公司命名为该公司。


Foseco Inc. History of Asbestos Use

  • Years in Operation:1932年 - 礼物
  • Location:克利夫兰, Ohio
  • Production:Foundry-related products
  • Asbestos Trust:

In 1932, Weiss, who was commercially savvy, and Dr. Strauss, a chemist, began by producing just six products under the Foundry Services Ltd. name. The two men purposefully started the company slowly, in order to perfect the handful of products offered as they learned more about their customer base. These initial flux products were asbestos-free, as were their Feedex powder and Ferrux anti-piping covers, both developed in the 1940s.

It wasn’t until around 1962 that the company began adding石棉to their product line. Asbestos, with its insulating ability and heat- and fire-resistance, was initially seen as beneficial to those in the foundry business. The products produced by Foseco Inc. needed to be able to withstand incredible temperatures when metals are melted within the automotive, construction and casting industries.

A Foseco patent filed in 1968 shows that the company was actively using two different kinds of asbestos within its hot top products to achieve the required durability. The hot top patent lists amosite and chrysotile asbestos as ingredients, which were used to maintain the temperature of molten steel. According to the patent, Foseco was using anywhere from 1 – 10% of asbestos in the hot tops.


Between 1960 and 1970, the Foseco Inc. factory in克利夫兰used more than 18 million pounds of asbestos.

However, their past use of asbestos, and the resulting health and legal implications of the toxin, did not slow the growth of Foseco. The company remained a strong player in the foundry consumables industry, even when other manufacturers who used asbestos in their products faced crippling asbestos litigation costs.

Their strength in the industry led Pyrotek, a foundry company specializing in aluminum, to purchase Foseco in 1999. Pyrotek saw the company as a way to significantly increase its revenue. Nine years later, Pyrotek sold Foseco to its current parent company, Vesuvius.


Foseco Inc. Asbestos Products

Foseco products did not always contain asbestos. The refinery support materials produced between their founding in 1932 and 1962 were free from the carcinogen. It wasn’t until the early 1960s that the cancer-causing additive was included in their production process.

Foseco refractory products included asbestos between 1962 and 1976. The most notable of the Foseco Inc.石棉productswas their hot top, which was used in refineries across the world.

Products manufactured by Foseco that are believed to have contained asbestos include, but are not limited to:

  • Hot Top Insulation (asbestos boards and compounds)
03. Occupational Exposure

Foseco Inc. and Occupational Exposure

The inclusion of asbestos in Foseco Inc.’s hot top insulation was problematic for many reasons. The item required regular changing out and cleaning in order to continue to be effective as an insulator in the foundries. This maintenance was performed by a multitude of Foseco and other factory or foundry employees, all of whom may have inhaled asbestos fibers and are at risk of developing an石棉-related disease

One previous employee of伯利恒钢described his exposure to asbestos-containing Foseco Inc. hot tops during in a video testimony. He worked for the company between 1950 and 1983. According to the employee, the molds were cleaned with an air suction tube which extended into the mold. This hose was used to vacuum out the asbestos dust created by the hot top. Regular sweeping was also completed by employees to ensure that the asbestos dust wasn’t causing impurities in the steel. During the cleaning process, employees working with the molds, or in the nearby area, could easily inhale the airborne asbestos fibers.

Any employee who worked with or around Foseco Inc. products between 1962 and 1976 may have experiencedoccupational asbestos exposure

Occupations Impacted by Foseco Inc.'s Asbestos Use
04. Asbestos Litigation

Asbestos Litigation Against Foseco Inc.

Foseco Inc. has been named in thousands of石棉诉讼源于它们过去的石棉使用。尽管其中一些案件是在美国提起的,但Foseco产品及其多个国际工厂的巨大覆盖范围已导致全球与石棉相关的诉讼提出。

例如,由于1960年代使用公司的产品,两人出现了与石棉相关的疾病,因此,来自英格兰的两个兄弟成功地针对Foseco提出了案件。罗伯特·斯宾塞(Robert Spencer)被授予6,000磅(超过7,000美元)pleural thickeningfrom his occupational asbestos exposure. The estate of his late brother, David Spencer, was awarded 154,000 pounds (more than $185,000) after he developed and died of万博专业版due to exposure to Foseco products.

The company continues to see lawsuits around the world for a number of asbestos diagnoses. In 2018, a Michigan man sued Foseco seeking at least $50,000 in compensatory damages. James T. Binion alleges he developed石棉-related lung cancerafter working with products manufactured, installed or sold by Foseco Inc., Brand Insulations Inc. and Eaton Corp, among others.

尽管正在进行诉讼,但该公司仍在继续增长并从自己的资金中支付受害者的要求。如果您相信您或亲人有权获得赔偿,learn how a mesothelioma lawyer can help

许多石棉公司被迫申请禁令kruptcy and set up an石棉trust fundas a result of the high cost associated with asbestos litigation. However, Foseco Inc. has been paying asbestos victims out of pocket, without necessitating bankruptcy filing or the formation of a trust fund. By the mid-2000s, Foseco had paid more than $13 million to asbestos victims.

Those that believe they have been exposed to asbestos-containing Foseco products should seek medical attention and may beeligible for mesothelioma compensationto help pay for medical expenses and lost wages.
