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Mesothelioma lawsuits can be handled several different ways, including as an individual lawsuit or through multidistrict litigation and class action lawsuits. A class action lawsuit allows a group of individuals with the same or similar injuries to take legal action together against a defendant.

01. Defining Class Actions


The two primary types ofmesothelioma lawsuitsare personal injury claims filed by mesothelioma patients and wrongful death claims filed by surviving loved ones. The goal of these lawsuits is to gain financial assistance for travel costs, medical expenses and other fees that come with a mesothelioma diagnosis. In most cases, amesothelioma settlementis reached between the claimant and the defendant. However, if you choose to pursue a lawsuit it can be handled in many different ways, including as a class action.

集体诉讼是一项民事诉讼,其中有多个具有类似主张的原告由班级的一个成员代表。对于间皮万博专业版瘤病例,原告是患者或尚存的家庭成员,希望提起间皮瘤诉讼asbestos exposure. Trying many classes as part of a single class action lawsuit could potentially result in many advantages, such as:

  • 使用比单个案件更有效,更具成本效益的法律流程。
  • 专家证人无需多次出现就可以做出相同的证词。
  • 奖金金额通常要高得多,因为被告对多方而言仅承担更大的责任。
  • Asbestos companies are more likely to have to change practices or admit fault than with smaller cases.
  • Standards of criteria can be established, avoiding inconsistency when cases are tried separately.

不是全部万博专业版间皮瘤声称are best handled as part of a class action lawsuit. Connecting with amesothelioma law firmcan allow you to explore all of your legal options and find what’s best for your case. If you’re considering pursuing legal action, it’s important to do so right away as each state has a石棉索赔的限制法规,要求您在诊断或死亡后提交一定的时间。

Class Action vs. Mass Tort


  • A large group of individuals claiming the same, or very similar, damages.
  • The same defendants who allegedly caused that harm being claimed.
  • 将法律诉讼的行政合并为一项诉讼。


Multidistrict Litigation MDL 875

Mass torts are often handled through multidistrict litigation (MDL). In these cases, a special court is established within a specific district of the U.S. federal court system, and often one or more justices are designated to preside over all the cases for that MDL. The MDL system is overseen by the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, which assigns MDL cases to a specific district to ensure efficient processing of claims. Each MDL is given a number to which cases are assigned as they are filed in their respective venues.

MDL 875是石棉联邦大众侵权案件的多区域诉讼编号。相关诉讼成立于1991年,转移到处理石棉MDL案件的宾夕法尼亚州东区(EDPA)。在2006年至2015年之间,将近187,000例已转移到EDPA,MDL 875是美国历史上最大,最长的MDL。

In general, MDL 875 cases are segmented into one of two categories, including MARDOC (Maritime Docket) and land-based:

MDL 875 Case Segments
MARDOC (Maritime Docket)

这些案件是由Merchant Marines, their spouses or survivors who were exposed to asbestos during the course of their work on shipping vessels. MARDOC contains the largest group of cases that have been handled by MDL 875, and there are some special administrative procedures related solely to MARDOC cases.



请注意,只有MDL 875的联邦石棉诉讼才能处理。各个州可能拥有自己的设置来处理多项诉讼。例如,纽约市石棉诉讼法院(NYCAL)定期选择许多案件作为极端集群的一部分,这意味着在这些案件中的原告处于严重的医疗状况。尽管这些案件不一定是一起尝试的,但由于原告遭受的疾病的极端性质,它们被置于相同的案卷上。


Asbestos class action lawsuits group individuals together, while individual lawsuits treat each case separately.Mesothelioma lawyers借助处理两种类型的诉讼的经验,可以为您提供每种诉讼的优势和缺点,同时提供有关哪种选项可能给您最多的指导赔偿.

Individual Mesothelioma Lawsuits


Class Action Mesothelioma Lawsuits

Typically, once a lawsuit is filed, it needs to be certified as a class action. Certification usually happens after all of the preliminary motions and discovery phase of a mesothelioma lawsuit. Once the suit is certified as a class action, potential members of the class will be identified and notified about their possible membership.

If you are notified that you may be a member of an asbestos-related class action, you should immediately contact a qualified asbestos attorney who has experience litigating such cases to determine your next best course of action.

02. History of Class Actions

Brief History of Asbestos Class Actions

As one of the longest-running subjects of mass litigation, asbestos lawsuits have been around for over a half-century. This section provides a brief history of the development of class action lawsuits related to asbestos.

Asbestos Class Action History
  • 1960:An epidemiological study by Wagner, Sleggs and Marchand establishes the relationship between pleural mesothelioma and asbestos exposure, inciting a flurry of lawsuits against companies like Manville Corporation.
  • 1966:最高法院修改了《联邦民事诉讼规则》(FRCP)的第23条,从而确定了集体诉讼的先决条件,以及其他事项。
  • 1982:Johns-Manville Corporation files for bankruptcy after thousands of individuals brought lawsuits alleging harm from asbestos in its insulation and other products used as far back as World War II.
  • 1987年:The Manville Personal Injury Settlement Trust begins operating; however, the first settlements are not paid until court approval in November 1988.
  • 1991:联邦石棉案件在宾夕法尼亚州东部地区的美国地方法院合并,以审理审前目的。多层石棉诉讼在本法院继续听到,被称为MDL 875。
  • 1997:In Georgine v. Amchem Products, Inc., the Third Circuit decertifies a settlement class because it did not meet the prerequisites delineated in Rule 23 of the FRCP, a decision affirmed by the Supreme Court.
  • 2002:Halliburton, which bought Kellogg, Brown & Root (KBR) in 1998, paid $4.2 billion to settle about 374,000 claims for asbestos exposure due to KBR’s waste-burning activities in previous decades. A trust fund was also set up to handle future asbestos claims.

Mesothelioma lawsuits can be handled several different ways, including as an individual lawsuit or through multidistrict litigation and class action lawsuits. A class action lawsuit allows a group of individuals with the same or similar injuries to take legal action together against a defendant.


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