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造船厂were one of the most popular locations for asbestos exposure, putting many at risk of developing asbestos diseases. One shipyard with proven exposure is AMFELS.

现在由Keppel Offshore and Marine Company拥有,但仍被称为当地人的Amfels,得克萨斯州布朗斯维尔的Amfels船厂已开始担任Marathon Letourneau造船厂。后来,它更名为AMFELS(远东地区的Levingston Shipbuilding Limited),然后于1985年出售给当地利益,并于1991年出售给Keppel。

01. Overview

AMFELS Shipyard – Brownsville Overview

从1972年到1985年,马拉松莱托尔诺(Marathon Letourneau)在布朗斯维尔(Brownsville)遗址建造了船只。当时建造的钻机包括拖船和半潜水装置。建立在AMFELS名称下的船只包括钻孔驳船,甲板驳船,污泥载体,多功能支撑船以及其他几个品种。布朗斯维尔的Keppels Amfels物业继续生产商业船只,并且仍然是多产的造船厂。


Although the U.S. government issued warnings about the use of asbestos in 1977, in some cases asbestos use continued. Also, shipyard workers were often exposed to older ships constructed while the use of asbestos was legal. That means, despite the government warnings about any new uses of asbestos, employees still may have encountered the toxic mineral.

AMFELS Brownsville was just one of many United Statesshipyardswere workers were exposed to asbestos. As a matter of fact, shipyard workers in the U.S. have one of the highest rates of asbestos-related diseases in the country because the use of asbestos was so widespread aboard both commercial and military vessels.

Unfortunately, records show that some individuals in charge knew about the dangers of asbestos inhalation but did not share this important information with employees, allowing them instead to work without benefit of protective masks or respirators. The result, 40-50 years later, is scores of individuals with asbestos-related diseases, including万博专业版, a cancer which usually kills its victims within a year of diagnosis.

造船厂were one of the most popular locations for asbestos exposure, putting many at risk of developing asbestos diseases. One shipyard with proven exposure is AMFELS.

现在由Keppel Offshore and Marine Company拥有,但仍被称为当地人的Amfels,得克萨斯州布朗斯维尔的Amfels船厂已开始担任Marathon Letourneau造船厂。后来,它更名为AMFELS(远东地区的Levingston Shipbuilding Limited),然后于1985年出售给当地利益,并于1991年出售给Keppel。

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