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此页面由医学评论詹姆斯·史蒂文森(James Stevenson)2019年5月3日。有关我们的内容创建和审核过程的信息,请阅读我们的编辑准则。如果您发现错误或对我们的内容有评论或问题,请contact us

詹姆斯·史蒂文森(James Stevenson)Thoracic Medical Oncologist


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吉西他滨(Gemcitabine)以其品牌名称Gemzar®的商业知名度,是Eli Lilly and Company开发的一种药物,可用于治疗恶性间皮瘤。万博专业版FDA已批准治疗多种类型的癌症,包括乳腺癌,卵巢癌,胰腺癌和非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)。

对于那些被诊断出患有的人万博专业版who are unable to receive pemetrexed, gemcitabine can be used as a first-line treatment when combined with cisplatin or carboplatin. It may also be used by itself as a second-line mesothelioma treatment for patients who didn’t respond well to initialchemotherapy


How Gemcitabine Is Used to Treat Mesothelioma

吉西他滨帮助国米杀死间皮瘤细胞万博专业版fering with the DNA and RNA the cancer cells use to replicate themselves. Because of this interference, they are unable to reproduce and eventually go through a death process called apoptosis.

通过静脉注射患者吉西他滨。对于使用吉西他滨和顺铂接受一线治疗的患者,通常持续3 - 4周的循环,第一天都服用两种药物。在大多数情况下,吉西他滨在周期期间再过两次,但是医生可以根据患者的整体健康以及间皮瘤对化学药物的反应,确定剂量是否需要改变。万博专业版


02. Side Effects

Possible Side Effects of Gemcitabine

Like all other chemotherapy drugs, gemcitabine presents with a variety of side effects that vary depending on the patient, the stage of the disease, dosing and many other factors. Common side effects associated with gemcitabine include fever, nausea, fatigue, no appetite, lowering of blood counts and skin rashes. Other side effects may be more serious and should be brought up to the patient’s oncologist or healthcare team immediately.



一个doctor can determine what medications may react with a mesothelioma patient’s chemotherapy drugs to prevent adverse drug interactions and other health problems from developing.



当与顺铂结合用作加热术中化疗(HIOC)的一部分时,吉西他滨被证明在1期中很有帮助malignant pleural mesothelioma临床试验。根据先前的研究,吉西他滨和顺铂的组合患者的一部分反应率在16%万博专业版至33%之间,并且能够忍受治疗的毒性。研究人员还注意到,约有60%的参与者达到了稳定的疾病,这意味着没有额外的肿瘤生长或扩散,并且能够改善其症状和肺功能。这样的研究有助于确定这种治疗对间皮瘤患者的疗效。万博专业版


Overall, researchers continue working to determine the best treatment combinations with gemcitabine to improve efficacy as a first- or second-line treatment for mesothelioma patients. Ongoing clinical trials are testing the chemotherapy drug with variousforms of immunotherapy,以及其他化学疗法药物(如Vinorelbine)。

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