
Celebrating a Mesothelioma Survivor’s Lung Leavin’ Day

Heather的家中的肺Leavin Day标志。

Mesothelioma survivorHeather Von St. Jamesrecently spoke with about her annualLung Leavin’ Day庆典。希瑟(Heather)家中的年度活动标志着她的肺切除手术周年纪念日。她将庆祝活动解释为那些有希望的人万博专业版和其他形式的癌症。

今年,由于COVID-19 pandemic,肺Leavin日庆祝活动将首次虚拟。请继续阅读有关参与和智慧幸存者的更多信息。

Heather Von St. James’ Lung Leavin’ Day Fast Facts

Heather Von St. James celebrates the anniversary of her胸膜间皮瘤万博专业版每年肺切除手术。今年,庆祝活动是虚拟的。


Donate to the Cause:The Von St. James Travel Grant Fund

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The following is an interview of Heather Von St. James by The content has been lightly edited for clarity and reviewed by Heather prior to publication. (M): Can you explain the history and significance of Lung Leavin’ Day?

Heather Von St. James (Heather):My sister thought of the name. She jokingly said, ‘we’re Swedish and now that you’re having your lung removed on Groundhog’s Day we have to name it something different,’ because February 2 is the anniversary. So she’s like, ‘instead of Groundhog’s Day, now it’s called Lung Leavin’ Day, because it’s the day your lung left.’



And then we’re Swedish, so she said ‘you have to say it with a Swedish accent, Lung Leavin’ Day.’ And being Minnesotan makes it even more funny, Lung Leavin’ Day. That’s how the name came about.

她和我的丈夫开始谈论我们如何有限公司uld really celebrate. My sister is a yogi master and firewalker – she and her husband have done firewalking. She suggested, ‘you should do firewalking.’ And in firewalking, you write your fears on a piece of wood, you throw it in the fire and walk over it. And then my husband [Cameron Von St. James] said we should be like the Greeks and throw plates. My husband said we should write our fears on plates and then break the plates in a bonfire. So that’s where the whole plate idea came from.

M: What was the first Lung Leavin’ Day celebration like?

Heather:February 2, 2007, my husband comes home from work with two plates and two sharpies. I was like, ‘oh my God, I forgot completely about that.’ And he said, ‘yea, I didn’t.’

So he went out to the backyard and started a fire, and it was 17 below. It was super cold. We were out there with our little fire, and we wrote our fears on the plates and smashed them in the fire. It just felt amazing, we were like, we have to share this with people. We started thinking about how to make it a [bigger] celebration.

The next year, we just invited friends and family. We had about 40 people show up, and I was shocked at how big it got. The most we ever had was the ninth anniversary, and we had more than 150 people [at the house].

在第六年,我们开始作为筹款活动。从那以后,我们一直回馈Meso [Thelioma]社区。这是关于克服恐惧,胜利,并将某些悲惨的东西变成积极的事物。

Now we’ve raised over $45,000 for mesothelioma research since we started. It’s just a small house party, so I’m pretty impressed with how well we do with a small little fundraiser.

M: Can you talk a bit about the change to the virtual format?

Heather:This year, because of COVID, we’re obviously not having the party for everybody. But my husband said, ‘well, we’re still going to celebrate.’ So we’re going to do it virtually. I’m going to broadcast live onFacebookandInstagram在我的帐户上。

我要设置三脚架,并用戒指灯照亮。我有一个戒指。我将设置我的Meso Foundation捐赠页面,以便人们可以直接捐款。

M: Is there anything that the virtual event affords you that you’re really excited about?

Heather:I’m sad because I’m a very social person, and getting together with the people is what really makes the party special to me. We always dedicate the party to a friend we’ve lost in the last year, and this year [the event is] for Annamarie Kearns.



M: Why would you encourage someone to attend this year’s virtual event?

Heather:Facing your fears and giving a voice to them is incredibly empowering because so many people shove their fears down. So facing your fears, writing them down, seeing them smashed, helps you move forward, helps you let loose of those things that may be holding you back. I know people who’ve told me it’s been life-changing for them for that.

M: Do you think celebrations like Lung Leavin’ Day mean a little something more this year in light of the pandemic?

Heather:Yea, there’s a lot of fear going on in the world right now. I think there is a lot of fear and there’s a lot of people that don’t know what’s going to happen. There’s hope on the horizon, but there’s still a lot of unknown. So yea, I think the number one fear is going to be COVID.

I think this year there are going to be a lot of people who are like, we’ve been through so much individually and as a country in the last year. There’s a lot to conquer and move forward, and hopefully, [we] have hope coming up and light at the end of the long, dark tunnel.

M: Do you have any specific memories of Lung Leavin’ Day celebrations of years past you’d like to share?


Lung Leavin' Day Backyard Set Up

Heather’s Lung Leavin’ Day backyard set up.

But what really made it special was the first year that somebody else that had meso or lost a loved one to meso came and it wasn’t just me. Then we started sharing it with other cancer survivors and other meso patients and the loved ones of meso patients, and that’s when I knew we had something really special.


M: How much preparation goes into the day?


So I get to be the bride, and I don’t have to worry about any of the details because I have my little planners.

M: Can you give some examples of the kinds of things people write on their plates?

Heather:I laugh when I see little kids’ plates because the things they’re afraid of are so funny, like broccoli.

Broken Plates From Lung Leavin' Day Celebrations of the Past

破碎的盘子希瑟的英航ckyard from a past Lung Leavin’ Day celebration.

Everybody goes about it differently. Some people will sit down and really think on it, close their eyes and be in a quiet spot. They’ll fill the plate with spirals of fears. The whole plate will be covered, front and back. And then there are other people that write one or two things and their name on it, and that’s all they do. So, it’s very personal.

我的恐惧每年都会改变。主要的人保持不变。对复发的恐惧,离开了我的家人。Covid是一个很大的。无法获取疫苗,被困在屋子里. I fear for my daughter for not having a normal high school career. My health is definitely my main fear.




Heather:I’m much more cynical now. I’ve seen so much, and I’ve been around it longer than most people. I’m excited when I see new treatments because I know that they’re working on it, but I’m cynical when I hear doctors pushing the same narrative over and over again. ‘You’re different and you’re younger.’ I’ve seen [this cancer] do horrible things to people.


I’m also cynical aboutbanning asbestos. I used to be really hopeful about that, but now I’m like if it hasn’t happened yet, it isn’t happening now.


But also hopeful, very hopeful because ofimmunotherapy, [which] has given people a new lease on life.手术is not as barbaric as it used to be and there’s hope for non-surgical patients. So there’s a lot to be excited about, too.

Join Heather on Saturday, February 6, 2021, for her Lung Leavin’ Day celebration.
