
How Cutting Funds to the EPA Could Affect Mesothelioma Survivors


Through my years blogging for the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, I have had some pretty amazing opportunities to get my story out there through blogs, opinion pieces, and most recently an interview and video with Greenpeace. Why Greenpeace you might ask? What does an organization better known for saving the whales have to do with万博专业版和石棉?

To answer your questions, all I need is one word: environment. This current administration is causing many of us who are passionate about environmental issues a lot of anxiety about not only climate change denial, but the blatant disregard for common sense and safety when it comes to asbestos. The president himself has been quoted extolling the benefits of asbestos, not even taking into consideration how dangerous it actually is.




Greenpeace, which has been at the forefront of environmental issues for years, is concerned about this appointment and the pending cuts to the EPA as well. I interviewed with Ryan Schleeter, who had written an op-ed piece about his concerns. Their interest was piqued because I am a victim of a known environmental toxin, one that just this last year was finally listed on the EPA’s Toxic Substance Control Act: asbestos.


Getting My Story Out

When I talked with Ryan,I shared my story. I told him of getting the news that I had mesothelioma when my baby was just 3½ months old. I told him about the surgery I had that took my entire left lung and the debilitating effects of the chemo and radiation that followed in the months after my surgery.


将资金削减到EPA  - 希瑟|万博专业版maxbextx网页版mesothelioma.com.


我们拍摄了a video and interviewto go with the written article to drive home the importance of the EPA. We met with a videographer and filmed in locations around D.C., including in front of the White House, the Capitol Building, and the EPA headquarters, which ironically enough are located across the street from the new Trump Hotel.



Support EPA Funding

By telling my story and how the cuts to the EPA and other science-backed organizations are going to harm our future, I feel like I’m doing my part. You can too. Now is the time to get involved.

Cutting Funds to the EPA - Heather 2 | Mesothelioma.com

All it takes is a phone call to your representatives’ and senators’ offices. They are easy to find! You can go to USA.gov and all the information you need is there. Make a phone call, tell them not to cut the EPA budget.

Getting involved is easier now than ever. Let’s work together to keep our future safe, not just for us, but for all the future generations.
