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01. Asbestos Risk for Firefighters

How Are Firefighters Exposed to Asbestos?

消防员可能会遇到石棉暴露from burning buildings. Homes and buildings constructed before 1980 often contain石棉。在大火中,石棉-containing materials可能会被打扰和破碎。空气中的石棉纤维对消防员构成风险。如果吸入或摄入,石棉纤维可能会导致石棉is,lung cancer万博专业版

Facts About Firefighters
  • 335,500 firefighters in the United States (2019)
  • 石棉暴露:Previous and ongoing exposure risk
  • Asbestos-Related Disease Risk:高的
  • 类似的职业:护理人员,急救人员,执法人员

Asbestos exposure may also occur after a fire. During cleanup efforts, broken asbestos materials and debris still pose a risk to firefighters and others nearby.


Today, firefighters and first responders commonly wear PPE to prevent dangerous exposure. However, asbestos exposure may still occur if the equipment is removed or not properly fitted.

What Asbestos Products Put Firefighters at Risk?

Many older buildings were constructed with asbestos products. When these products burn, asbestos fibers can become airborne.Asbestos building materialsfirefighters may have been exposed to include:

Firefighters also risked exposure to石棉blanketsfireproof clothingmade with asbestos.

These asbestos products were once widely made by石棉公司。许多石棉公司生产有害石棉建筑材料。

Today,United States laws and regulationslimit the use of asbestos products. However, asbestos may still be present in older homes and structures.

Firefighters and At-Risk Trades


  • 救灾工人
  • EMTs or paramedics
  • 消防检查员
  • 警察

此外,消防员和第一响应者的家庭成员可能会面临石棉暴露的风险。在火灾的现场,石棉灰尘可能会沉淀在消防员的头发和衣服中。亲人可能会经历secondhand asbestos exposure从灰尘带入家中。


2001年9月11日,消防员和其他急救人员对世贸中心in纽约市。In a rush to get to the scene, some firefighters and rescue workers weren’t wearing protective gear, including respirators.

At the scene, thousands of firefighters and first responders were exposed to dust containing concrete, glass and asbestos fibers.

The air remained hazardous for weeks after the terror attacks. First responders and the public received insufficient warnings about the dangerous air quality.

In the years following the 9/11 terror attacks, several studies documented a link between firefighters at the scene and increased risks of health issues such as:



Mesothelioma Risk for Firefighters

Firefighters are at higher risk of certain cancers, including mesothelioma. High cancer rates are a result of职业接触石棉和other debris.

In 2015, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) published research compiled from about 30,000 firefighters.

Researchers found cancer risk was much higher for firefighters than the general population. The most common types of cancer that affected firefighters were:

  • Digestive
  • Oral
  • 呼吸道
  • 尿

Researchers also found firefighters had a万博专业版间皮瘤发病率rate twice as high as the general population.

Firefighters who spent more time at fires also had a greater chance of lung cancer diagnosis or death.

The U.S. Fire Administration suggests firefighters undergo routine medical monitoring. The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) has a program available for members to receive routine screenings.

常规癌症筛查使医生能够诊断肺癌或pleural mesotheliomaearlier. In many cases, more治疗选择可用于诊断出的间皮瘤患者万博专业版stage 1stage 2compared tolater stages

03. Compensation for Firefighters


开发间皮瘤的消防员可能会提交万博专业版工人的赔偿要求或一个石棉lawsuit。An asbestos lawsuit may be filed against asbestos companies responsible for exposure.


In 2007, dozens of firefighters in Everett,华盛顿,对市政府提起石棉诉讼。消防员在城市拥有的建筑物中的训练练习中经历了石棉曝光。该小组没有穿合适的防护设备。



由于消防员面对的危险,一些州已经过去了presumptive cancer coverage laws。Presumption laws shift the burden of proof away from firefighters with cancer. This means courts can assume a firefighter’s cancer is a result of duty-related exposure.

Presumption laws may make it easier for firefighters to receive financial compensation and benefits.

These lawsmay vary between states和only cover certain types of cancer. An石棉attorney可以帮助消防员了解其州的资格。

Compensation for 9/11 Firefighters

To compensate 9/11 firefighters and other first responders, Congress established the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF). The original VCF fund was established in 2001 and closed in 2004. The Zadroga Act reopened the fund in 2011.



Asbestos Safety for Firefighters

Firefighters face a high risk of occupational cancer, including mesothelioma. As such, there are various actions firefighters can take to help prevent exposure to hazards, such as asbestos.

Wear SCBA During Operations

Firefighters today are provided self-contained breathing apparatuses (SCBA). SCBA helps firefighters breathe in smoke-filled areas and other spaces with toxic dust and chemicals. During an operation, firefighters should wear the SCBA at all times.


Fire departments must also adhere to regulations created by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Some of these regulations include the standard for breathing air quality and standards for personal protective equipment and protective ensembles. By closely following the requirements laid out in NFPA, firefighters may avoid unnecessary exposure.

一些州也通过法律来保护firefighters. In 2020, Florida signed a bill for The Firefighter Cancer Decontamination Equipment Grant Program. The program provides funds each year for training, equipment and supplies to help prevent occupational exposure.

For states without such programs, firefighters can be proactive in talking to their department about additional training opportunities. There may be conferences, online programs and other training options available.

Decontaminate Gear After a Fire


  • Spray debris and brush to clean off contaminants
  • 戴手套和防护眼镜,防止直接exposure to any contaminants
  • 轻轻擦洗头盔,靴子和手套以清除任何石棉灰尘

Gear should be decontaminated after an operation. Individual stations may have protocols in place for this. Firefighters should also take care to keep any potentially contaminated gear and clothing outside of their homes. This could lead to secondary exposure among family members.

Firefighters should keep these safety tips in mind while working in their firehouse and during training exercises. Older buildings may contain asbestos materials.


It’s also important for firefighters to undergo regular medical exams and screenings. They should talk to their health care team about potential exposure to hazards such as asbestos. Regular screenings could help with early detection of an asbestos-related disease.

Firefighters may seek financial compensation if they develop an asbestos illness from occupational exposure. A万博专业版间皮瘤律师事务所可以帮助消防员了解他们的法律选择。

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