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The Boston Navy Yard was established in 1800 in the Boston Harbor. As a major player in many of the country’s wars, until its closing in 1974, the Boston Navy Yard built and serviced thousands of ships, including the USS Constitution and the USS Cassin Young. During its time as a fully active Navy shipyard, workers there were put at great risk of asbestos exposure. There are still active Navy personnel in the shipyard working on the USS Constitution.

01. Shipyard History


Located at the meeting of the Charles River and Mystic River in Boston Harbor, this shipyard was established in 1800 and was an important wartime asset until it was retired in 1974.


The Navy Yard is now home to the USS Constitution, a commissioned vessel in the U.S. Navy and the oldest warship still afloat worldwide. It is also home to the USS Cassin, a Fletcher-class destroyer built in 1943. While the Navy Yard has transitioned from an active military site into a National Park, the Navy is still present, with active-duty naval personnel stationed on the USS Constitution, as well as a skilled civilian maintenance workforce for the ship.



  • Other Names:Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston Naval Shipyard, Navy Yard at Boston, Navy Yard at Charlestown
  • Location:114 16th Street, Charlestown, MA 02129 – At the junction of the Charles River and Mystic River in Boston Harbor
  • Owner(s):美国军方,国家公园管理局和波士顿市
  • Years of Operation:1800 – 1974
  • Wartime Operations:War of 1812, Civil War, WWI and WWII
  • Number of Employees:50,000 at its wartime peak
  • 船厂的大小:130 acres
  • 值得注意的船:USS宪法,USS Frolic,USS Unipections,Hartford USS Merrimack号,USS Intrepid,Cassin Young号
  • Types of Ships Built/Serviced:Destroyers, sloop of wars, steam-screw frigates, monitors, torpedo boats

Many workers at Boston Navy Yard were potentially exposed to asbestos. Workers’ loved ones may have also experienced二手曝光。As a result, many people developed asbestos-related diseases, such asasbestosis,asbestos lung cancer, 和胸膜腹膜间皮瘤万博专业版。People who developed an asbestos-related disease may beeligible for compensation

不table Ships Built and Repaired

Shipyard workers built and repaired many noteworthy ships at Boston Navy Yard. Workers built more than 200 ships and repaired thousands of other vessels during the yard’s 174-year history. Many of these ships served important roles in wartime efforts, including World War I and World War II.

Asbestos was often used in shipbuilding materials during this time period. As a result, many of the ships built and repaired at Boston Navy Yard contained asbestos products.


美国航空公司是美国海军中最古老的委托船舶。今天,这艘船仍在运行,是一个历史悠久的现场,海军军官和船员仍在为她服务。当她在几年前航行并参加了针对的黎波里海盗的战争时,她的最大服务是在1812年的战争中。在这场战争期间,她的船员击败了四个英国护卫舰,她获得了“老铁杆”的昵称,因为敌人的大炮火着火了。ships seemed as if they couldn’t penetrate her strong oak hull.

Quick Ship Facts
  • 船的名字:USS宪法, aka “Old Ironsides”
  • 建造年:1794 – 1797
  • Years in Service:1797 - 1830,1844 - 1882

In 1830 the USS Constitution was deemed as unseaworthy, but due to public interest, the ship was preserved and rebuilt. In 1844, she began a circumnavigation of the globe and then was removed from active service in 1882. In 1905, she was opened to the public in Boston Harbor. In the early 1930s, the ship called at 90 American ports and was visited by 4.5 million people. Since 1934 the ship has been based at the Boston Navy Yard, sailing only two other times for celebrations in 1997 and 2012. During the 1930s, asbestos was used in boilers putting crew members who were on this tour and running the historic site at risk of asbestos exposure and, in turn, at risk of developing mesothelioma.

USS Cassin Young

The USS Cassin Young is a Fletcher-class destroyer built in 1943 in San Pedro, California. She served at a time when asbestos was used often in pipe coverings, gaskets, lagging and boilers. This put many crew members at risk of asbestos exposure and developing asbestos-related diseases including mesothelioma.

Quick Ship Facts
  • 船的名字:USS Cassin Young
  • 建造年:1943
  • Years in Service:1944 – 1946, 1951 – 1960

号卡森年轻现在停靠在波士顿Navy Yard and open seasonally to visitors for guided tours offered by the National Park Service. She engaged in seven Pacific battles in WWII, even surviving two Kamikaze hits. During her WWII service, she also rescued 120 men from the carrier Princeton when it sunk in October 1944. After serving in the war, the USS Cassin Young was repaired, decommissioned on May 28, 1946, and placed in the reserve fleet.

USS Cassin Young was recommissioned on September 7, 1951 to serve in the Korean War and in 1952 she underwent a major overhaul at the Boston Navy Yard. In 1954, as part of an around-the-world cruise, the ship carried out patrols in Korean waters. From 1955-1959, Cassin Young performed routine duties in Atlantic and Caribbean waters with four Mediterranean deployments. During those years, the ship returned to the Boston Naval Shipyard five more times for overhauls. On April 29, 1960, Cassin Young was again decommissioned and mothballed at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Virginia.

02. Shipyard Asbestos Use

Asbestos Use at Boston Navy Yard

Asbestoswas used to manufacture many products. It was a popular additive because it increased the durability and heat resistance of substances. Such products were ideal for use in the harsh environments often present in theshipping industry

波士顿海军场was in operation from 1800 to 1974. Asbestos use was common during this timeframe. The dangerous mineral was often present in items such as boilers, incinerators, insulating materials and other elements of ships. This means people who worked in shipyards have a high risk of asbestos exposure and of developing石棉相关疾病

Asbestos product highlight: Ceiling and floor tiles

Ceilings and floors inside ships had to withstand high temperatures and wear and tear. Asbestos was added to tiles to limit maintenance and replacement. It also served as an effective fire retardant. When people installed or repaired石棉瓷砖,他们暴露于石棉。


It was common for members of the U.S. military and civilians to provide labor in shipyards and on ships.Asbestos was used in most shipyards和aboard most Navy vessels from the 1930s to the 1980s. This likely exposure puts海军退伍军人有增加的风险万博专业版

在这段时间里,建造或维护军舰,潜艇,巡洋舰,驱逐舰,战争片,蒸汽螺母护卫舰,监视器和鱼雷船的人可能会暴露于石棉上。这些人经常在空间受限和通风较差的地区工作,这可能使更多的石棉纤维留在该区域。例如,工程师和机械师面对asbestos exposure

Exposed to asbestos at work: Enginemen and machinists


Asbestos is no longer used in most manufactured products. However, its historical presence in ships and navy vessels can put people at risk of exposure. People who repair or decommission ships built from the 1930s to the 1980s currently face asbestos exposure. Many shipyard responsibilities, such as installing insulation and pipes, led to frequent exposure.

03. Asbestos Lawsuits

Asbestos Lawsuits and Settlements

任何在波士顿海军院就现场并与石棉产品接触的人都有可能患上石棉疾病,例如间皮瘤。万博专业版这些人有很多options for compensation

Asbestos product manufacturers are responsible for exposing people to asbestos. The legal status of these companies can affect what compensation is available to victims. Mesothelioma lawyers can help victims determine if a lawsuit, settlement, VA claim and/or trust fund claim (or a combination of these) is the best compensation option.


Some asbestos product manufacturers remain in business today. This means these companies have not filed for bankruptcy and victims can对公司提起诉讼。Lawsuits may result in compensation through verdicts or万博专业版间皮瘤定居点

For example, people were wrongfully exposed to asbestos at Boston Navy Shipyard because of products supplied from Foster Wheeler. Products included boilers, steam generators and other power equipment. The company has had many lawsuits filed against it and been found容易对石棉s-related damages.

Crane Company is another viable company that made asbestos-containing products used in shipbuilding at Boston Navy Shipyard. These products included mechanical gaskets and valves which would have been used by tradesmen, including pipefitters.


Example Lawsuit Recovery for Boston Navy Yard Shipyard Worker

57-Year-Old Machinist Mate and Striker Fireman Diagnosed With Pleural Mesothelioma

恢复:~$2.75 million


A U.S. Navy machinist mate and striker fireman spent four years at Boston Navy Yard working on both the USS Norris and USS Dashiell while the ships were being overhauled. He testified to exposure to asbestos-containing pipe covering and gaskets which he cut and replaced creating asbestos dust that he breathed in. He also replaced lagging and valve packing that contained asbestos. While a fireman he was exposed to large quantities of asbestos dust during boiler overhaul.

04. Filing Asbestos Claims

Asbestos Company Trusts

在将不知不觉的人暴露于石棉上后,许多公司已申请破产。实际上,超过100石棉公司have gone bankrupt since the 2000s. As a result of their filings, many of these companies were forced to create trusts to compensate victims of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.

Many Navy and civilian personnel were通过他们的工作暴露于石棉在造船厂。这些人使用了各种石棉产品。如果造船厂工人患有与石棉有关的疾病,则该人可以向该产品制造商的信托提出索赔。

Asbestos Company Trust Funds and Eligible Years of Employment


Asbestos Company Name 资格开始日期 资格结束日期
Armstrong WI Trust 1/1/1966 12/31/1982
Babcock & Wilcox 6/1/1904 12/31/1982
燃烧工程 1/1/1943 12/31/1982
Fibreboard 1/1/1943 12/31/1982
弹性 1/1/1941 12/31/1982
G-I Holdings (GAF) 1959年7月16日 6/3/1960
Keene Corporation 1/1/1941 12/31/1981
欧文斯科宁 1/1/1967 12/31/1982
Pittsburgh Corning 7/1/1962 12/31/1982
United States Gypsum 1/1/1942 12/31/1982

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